Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
The Tears Of Finding The Truth
Through The Internet
The following story occurred on the Internet through one of the chat programs (Freetel) in January 1999. It is a real dialogue between a Christian and a Muslim. The story centers on Derek's realization of today's Christianity and his subsequent conversion to lslam. This Christian-Muslim dialogue has been edited for readability and for the clarity of its message.
(I got it from an Islamic forum)
ABDULLAH: Hello there! How are you man?
DEREK: Hello! Well, how are you?
ABDULLAH: I'm fine and you?
DEREK: I'm fine thanks.
ABDULLAH: Where are you from?
DEREK: I'm from L.A. (Los Angeles).
ABDULLAH: The land of Hollywood!
DEREK: Well that's right. Have you ever been to L.A.?
ABDULLAH: No, never. Why are you calling yourself the Black Magic?
DEREK: It's just a nickname, man!
DEREK: Where are you from? Are you an Arab?
ABDULLAH: Yes, I am from Saudi Arabia but I'm in Qatar now. What is your name?
DEREK: My name is Derek. What's your name?
ABDULLAH: My name is Abdullah.
DEREK: What does Abdullah mean?
ABDULLAH: Abdullah means the servant of Allah and it is the function of each individual on the face of the earth to serve llah according to what Allah wants from us. By the way, Allah is the proper name of God.
DEREK: How do we know what God or Allah wants from us?
ABDULLAH: All of this is outlined in the Qur'an and the Sunnah (Ways of Prophet Muhammad; his sayings, actions and aprovals). These are the two major sources of guidance in lslam. Could you please tell me more about yourself? How ol are you?
DEREK: I am 19 years old, black and very uch interested in knowing more about lslam. First of all, what should a person do or believe in to become a Muslim?
ABDULLAH: Very easy, you just say that there is no god worthy of worshi but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger, and you become Muslim,
DEREK: You mean Muhammad is his apostle? But a a Christian or non-Muslim, this sentence is not enough to make it clear to me.
ABDULLAH: Ok Allah sent Muhammad a His last Prophet and Messenger and revealed the Qur'an to him as the final revelation to mankind. Allah said that He perected His religion and called it lslam (see Qur'an 5:3). Islam means peaceful submission to the Will of Allah.
DEREK: I see.
ABDULLAH: Yes, and unfortunately most Christians don't know or they deny that the coming of Prophet Muhammad is foretold in their scriptures (See Deuternomy 18:18; 21: 21; Psalms 1 18:22-23; Isiah 42:1-13; Habakuk 3:3-4; Matthew 21:42-43; John 14:12-17,15:26,27; 1:5-16). Muslim theologians have stated that the person who is described by Jesus to come after him (in the above verses) is Mhammed (peace be upon him).
DEREK: OK Fine, but why was there a need for another prophet after Jesus and another revelation after the Bible?
ABDULLAH: All of the Prophets came to teach their peoples the Oneness of God. In the case of Jesus, he was only sent as a Messenger to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (see Matt. 15:24). What happened was that all of these prophets were not well received by the majority of the people. For instance, they started tampering with the teachings of Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them (see Qur'an 2:79). That is why Allah sent Muhammad with the last Message, (i.e., the Qur'an), to bring all of mankind back to the belief in and worship of One God, without partners or intermediaries.
DEREK: Is the Qur'an similar to the Bible? I mean, what is it composed of?
ABDULLAH: The Qur'an came as the last code emphasizing the same pure monotheistic teachings of Jesus peace be upon him, defending all the previous pure teachings of monotheistic beliefs and clarifying who Jesus was and who his mother was, showing that they were no more than great people.
DEREK: OK then, how-can we be sure that the Qur'an has remained the same since the time of Prophet Muhammad?
ABDULLAH: Allah Himself has guaranteed that He would guard the Qur'an from corruption (see Qur'an 15:9). Hence, the real and pure words of Allah are found in the Qur'an, which was revealed in Arabic, the language of Mohammed's people. Since then, not an iota has changed. This is unlike what has happened in the other religions. For example, if you look at the Bible, you find a lot of versions; the name Bible itself is indicative of those changes because Bible means a collection of books from different writers.
DEREK: But didn't God call it the Bible?
ABDULLAH: God calls the Scripture revealed to Jesus "Injeel" in the Qur'an for which the closest name in the Bible would be the word Gospel. The Bible was written may years after the time of Jesus in a language that was alien to Jesus; it was Latin Vulgate, a language that he never spoke. Isn't this strange? Interestingly, most of what was written in the New Testament was authored by Paul, who, according to James, the brother of Jesus in the Bible, had a polluted mind because he changed and contradicted most of the teachings of Jesus.
DEREK: I think you know more about Christianity than the Pope does.
ABDULLAH: You are wrong by saying that I know more than the Pope. I have simply investigated the Bible with an inquiring mind, which is something that all Christians should do.
DEREK: Is there any English version of the Holy Qur'an?
ABDULLAH: There are many translations of the meanings of the Qur'an.
The Qur'an was revealed in Arabic which means that the words of ALLAH are in Arabic. The translations are the words of human beings relating to the meanings of the Qur'an to the non-Arabic speaking masses.
DEREK: How does the Qur'an define God to mankind or how does the Muslim perceive God?
ABDULLAH: GOD is the One and Only True GOD, and the Creator of all. He does not beget nor is He begotten. He is unlike His creation in every respect. He is the All-knowing, The Powerful, The Merciful, The Irresistible, and The King of kings.
DEREK: But it is somehow difficult for me to perceive God as being the same as His creatures.
ABDULLAH: You are absolutely right to have difficulty perceiving this because human beings have a limited capacity. This is why ALLAH sent revelations to His Prophets and Messengers to tell us who He is. So if you want to know who God is, just read the Qur'an.
DEREK: Christians believe that Jesus was sent for the salvation of all mankind. If this is not true, then the foundation of Christianity is faulty. Right? What do you think?
ABDULLAH: That's correct. The Christians of today are following what Paul taught and also tend to follow what the priests tell them to do instead of following what Jesus said.
DEREK: Kindly explain the concept of salvation through the crucifixion of Jesus.
ABDULLAH: In Christianity, the Doctrine of Original Sin is the reason that there is a need for salvation through Jesus' crucifixion. However, this doctrine was invented by Paul and it is strongly negated in the Old Testament (see Ezekial 18:20, Jeremiah 31:30, Deut. 24:16). This doctrine is an attempt to escape the responsibility of righteousness with the belief that punishment is given to someone else to release us from our burden of sins (see Ephesians 1:7, Romans 4:25, 10:9, Corinthians 15:21) In the Qur'an, every soul is re
Age: 125
6197 days old here
Total Posts: 90
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United States, United States
iam not trying to offend anyone but one day i was watching you tube about this egyptian woman i think who was muslim all her life and she got married at 19 to another egyptian muslim so while she was with him he physically abused her, so she was very unhappy and she tried to tell her parents but they would not understand
she moved to usa to live with this guy and ofcourse her parents were back home in egypt, so what happend after that she was ofcourse sad and then one day i guess she met this christain lady and she told her to convert to
Chrisitianity, so she tried it and she asked her freind that what prayers do i have to say what do i have to do she said just say these simple words so she went ahead said and she claims that JESUS sent her some money in an envelope, so this is on you tube beleive it or not just type in muslim converts to chritstainity and she said for years she prayed to ALLAH and her prayers werent answered, in my opinion
doesnt matter who you are GOD answers the prayers when he wants not all of a sudden i dont know but this is a must see..