IcE CrEaM GaMe..!!

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Age: 125
Total Posts: 51848
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Hi Every1...
I'm goin to start a new game...
U are driving an Ice-cream truck n u just have to give One ice-cream to da person above ya...
Okz..hope ya enjoy da YUMMY game...


Cassata-------U luv da person abv u...
Coconut-----U like him/her in THAT way...
Mangobar------The above person is ur Crush
Raspberry-------U are Close 2 da person abv ya...
Malai------U think he/she iz Cute...
Strawberry------U think abv person is beautiful/handsome...
Pineapple------U c da person abv u as ur Friend ...
Butterscotch-----U think da person iz cooL...
Vanilla--------U think da person abv ya iz just OK...
Tooti frooti-------U think da person abv shud go to hell...
Blackberry------U find him/her hot (be honest here)
White chocolate------U want to add her/him to ur Friend's list
Chocolate------U want to kiss him/her (again be honest)

So letz get started PPL rapunzel39500.6842824074
Posted 19 Feb 2008

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