Is Kosher halal??

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Is Kosher Halal

Often times Muslim consumers tend to assume 'Kosher' is similar to 'Halal'. Although the slaughtering rituals of Jewish people resemble those of Muslims; kosher and halal are two different entities carrying a different meaning and spirit. Muslims, therefore, are provided with the following basic information about Kosher so they can exercise care in distinguishing halal from kosher.

Kashrut (in Hebrew) is the system of Jewish dietary laws. Kosher (kashur in Hebrew) means 'fit, or proper for use' according to Jewish law. Examples of kosher are: the meat of the 'fore quarter*' of the cattle slaughtered ritually, fruits, vegetables, all fish that have fins*, all wines*, all cheeses*, gelatin*.

The opposite of Kosher, as applied to food in Treif (in Yiddish), or trefah (in Hebrew) meaning 'not suitable for use', or 'forbidden'. Trefah literally means 'torn by a wild beast' (Exodus 22:30). Examples of Trefah are: blood, swine, rabbit*, all shell fish*, wild birds such as wild hen*, wild duck*, and the birds of prey.

(*) these food items exhibit a marked difference between kosher and Halal as well as trefah and haram. The differences are explained elsewhere in this section.

Caution to Muslim Consumers:

Halal is a comprehensive Islamic term encompassing not only the matters of food and drink, but all other matters of daily life. Islam being the final and perfect Deen (religion) for mankind, it supersedes all the previously revealed religions including Christianity and Judaism. The rituals in all matters were perfected by Islam (al-Quran 5:3)

According to Islamic Jurisprudence, no one except Allah can change forbidden (Haram) things into lawful (halal) for vice-versa. It is forbidden for people to change the lawful (Halal) things into unlawful (Haram), or vice-versa.

Halal is a unique Islamic concept and eating dhabiha (Islamically slaughtered) meat is a distinguishing part of a Muslim's identity as expressed by Prophet Muhammad (S)

Salient differences between kosher and halal are:

Islam prohibits all intoxicating alcohols, liquors, wines and drugs. kashrut regards all wines kosher. Hence food items and drinks showing the kosher symbol containing alcohol are not halal.

Gelatin is considered kosher regardless of its source of origin. If the gelatin is prepared from swine, Muslims consider it haram (prohibited). Hence foods items such as marshmallows, yogurt, etc., showing kosher symbols are not halal.

Enzymes (irrespective of their sources even from non-kosher animals) in cheese making are considered mere secretion(pirsah b'almah) according to some kashrut organizations, hence all cheeses are considered kosher. Muslims look for the source of the enzyme in cheese making. If it is coming from the swine, it is considered haram(forbidden). Hence cheeses showing kosher symbols may not be halal.

Jews do not pronounce the name of God on each animal while slaughtering. They feel that uttering the name of God, out of context, is wasteful. Muslims on the other hand pronounce the name of Allah on all animals while slaughtering.

The salient differences between kosher and halal have been illustrated so that Muslim consumers can distinguish halal from kosher.

Islam is a complete way of life providing infallible guidance to all its followers in all walks of life. Halal brings immense satisfaction to the Muslim life both now and in the hereafter. Muslims therefore, do not have to depend on any other set of laws for want of convenience.

The final, divine laws of Islam are indeed perfect and the best for all its followers for all time to come.

Muslims in non-Muslim countries should strive to follow the Islamic injunctions in their diet (as well as in every walk of life) and establish their own businesses and institutions to cater to the needs of the Muslim Ummah. By doing so, not only the identity of the Muslims will be preserved, but they will be recognized and respected for their beliefs and practices. What a subtle means of Dawa!

Posted 26 Aug 2003

ShujaSlam says
salaam, and what up
yo, basiclly its just that kosher is in the middle of halal and haram. it does use the proper ingrediants which in Islam are not haram, but, it's still not cut by saying Allah(SWT's) name. you can eat kosher. but Allah recommeds to eat Halal
Posted 26 Aug 2003

Cute_gal says
u still can't eat kosher meat.......& dere is no such thing between halal and should be either one......
Posted 26 Aug 2003

ShujaSlam says
yeah, well thats true.
Posted 26 Aug 2003

Cute_gal says
den did ya say dat??
Posted 26 Aug 2003

faysal says
so nice of u to share with us..
Posted 27 Aug 2003

Cute_gal says
Posted 28 Aug 2003

dosselpoh says
i think its not.....
they do almost the same way we do it....but the thing is do they say ....Bismillah irwahaman irraheem.....nahi its haram
Posted 28 Aug 2003

dosselpoh says
yeh main nay topic daikh ker ba reply ker dya ha......peroon ga kal...bohat lamba ha[;)]
Posted 28 Aug 2003

SBG18 says
I reccomend the 2nd site the most
go and check it out
you'll be surprised by teh results
and whiel we are the topic
if no oen knows
mc donalds french fries contain beef soemthign in them
gatorade contains alcohol in the flavoring
and gelatin/lard/meat flavoring or animal shortnenings are Haram...
check otut he site for more info.
Posted 30 Aug 2003

Cute_gal says
i neva knew abt da mcdonalds Fench freis....thnx for da info @ babygirl!!
Posted 31 Aug 2003

dosselpoh says
Originally posted by SexyBabyGirl18
I reccomend the 2nd site the most
go and check it out
you'll be surprised by teh results
and whiel we are the topic
if no oen knows
mc donalds french fries contain beef soemthign in them
gatorade contains alcohol in the flavoring
and gelatin/lard/meat flavoring or animal shortnenings are Haram...
check otut he site for more info.

gatorade is fine......wat r ya talking abt......see da ingrediants.....r show me any site????????
Posted 31 Aug 2003

Madiha718 says
i knew abt the french fries but gatorade? since we are at this topic are starbust n skittles haram?
Posted 31 Aug 2003

Cute_gal says
Yup dey both r haram.....& DID YA KNOW DAT OREO'S ARE HARAM TOO...
Posted 31 Aug 2003

ShujaSlam says
NO WAY(oreos iz ma fav)!...but see a few years ago oreo had gelatin or sumtin in them but know they don't. we never bout oreos a long time ago cauz we knew about that stuff thats haram in it, but later on they stopped put that unislamic stuff in there
Posted 01 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
i eat beef n chicken, haram or halal, but i just don't eat PORK...
Posted 01 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
Originally posted by AyeshaKhan_Fanatic

i eat beef n chicken, haram or halal, but i just don't eat PORK...

well da beef and chicken....woteva u'r eatin'....if its not's haram....
Posted 02 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
Originally posted by ShujaSlam

NO WAY(oreos iz ma fav)!...but see a few years ago oreo had gelatin or sumtin in them but know they don't. we never bout oreos a long time ago cauz we knew about that stuff thats haram in it, but later on they stopped put that unislamic stuff in there

oh well....
Posted 02 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
beef n chicken is not haram, but it aint halal either...that's all, its in the middle
Posted 02 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
woteva we either halal or haram....dere is no such thing as "IN BETWEEN"....well again it's upto one can force you....
Posted 02 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
ok that's what it is

the beef or chicken in restaurants,like mcds,bkings,ihop halal, its just not zabiha...but it aint haram...
Posted 02 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
omg....u'r missin' da point......if it's not zabiha it's HARAM....i hope u get it dis time....
Posted 02 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
forget it...there is no end to it...
Posted 02 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
i ain' gona 4get it...:p.....khair....
Posted 03 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
nahin bhulogi, koi baat nahin mein hoon na bhulane ke liye...
Posted 03 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
acha to tum is kaam k liye ho...:p
Posted 03 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
mera aur koi kaam nahin
bas ye kaam sahi
ye nahin aur sahi
aaram ka ye daur sahi
ek din aur sahi...
Posted 03 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
ya woteva...:p
Posted 03 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
nahin watever nahin, forever yehi kaam hai
Posted 03 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
q....aur koi kaam nahi hai....:p
Posted 04 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
dhoond raha hoon, shayad mil jaaye...kya khayal hai
Posted 05 Sep 2003

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