
Age: 125
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A man walks past a beggar every day and gives him Rs.10 and that continues for a year.. Then suddenly the daily donation changes to Rs.5. "Well," the beggar thinks, "it's still better than nothing."
A year passes in this way until the man's daily donation suddenly becomes Rs.2. "What's going on now?" the beggar asks his donor. "First you give me Rs.10 every day, then Rs.5 and now only Rs.2. What's the problem?"
"Well," the man says, "last year my eldest son went to university.. It's very expensive, so I had to cut costs. This year my eldest daughter got married, so I had to cut my expenses even further."
"And how many children do you have?" the beggar asks.
"Four," the man replies.
"Well," asks the beggar, "Why don't you say that you are sustaining your children on my income?"