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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
To the one who gave me life
I can give nothing but love
To the star so full of light
to the one sent from up above.
Thank you for the discipline

for everything you do
thank you for than happiness
thanks for seeing me through.
You're like a burning candle
there to light our way

Sometimes unable to handle
the arguments each day.
I love you more than anything
love you
to the end
you are my mother first

then my very best friend.
It is unusual what we share
everything I do you know,
every beautiful quality
you have in you, I show.

Not often enough do I tell you
how much you mean to me
Not often enough do I show you
what it means for you to let me be free
Life ever-lasting is what I wish for you

to my heart you've taught me
to be sacred and be true
To live forever and always
Is what I wish for you.
You are my special angel

who I always find comfort in
whether life is in shambles
when I lose and when I win
To the one who gave me life,

I can give nothing but love
to the one who genuinely is,
sent from heaven above.
Posted 10 May 2008

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