Rapunzel said:very nice
chandbabu said:really nice
~tasha~ said:Peeling away many thick layers,
pain and agony built up over years.
Hear my heart how faintly it beats,
overflowing with lies and deceit.
Battered, bruised I became numb,
into darkness I would succumb.
Still a flicker of life within me,
must peel away, set myself free.
Will replace the darkness with light,
try once more with all of my might.
Once more, God give me strength,
to overcome go to any length.
One by one sad memories erased,
chased away the demons I faced.
No more scars of sadness remain,
found the strength to be happy again.
I find that in my darkest hour,
God gives strength, gives me power,
To peel away the layers and see,
the light of hope still shines in me.
^dewaja^ said:NICE TASHU
Royaa Afghan said:nice