Age: 125
6683 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
New day is here, sun is rising in blue sky Dawning light warming the day Awake rise up to greet the sun Circle round the holy directions Feel the four winds blow gently See beauty all around
Above as below Love in the light of day Peace and harmony Walk in beauty this day Your breathe on the wind Carrying blessing to all
Kiss the new day in prayers Walk in beauty peace and love Open your heart to love Open your mind to mysteries Open your arms to hold peace Open your soul to the earth~
Age: 125
6683 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I can’t imagine the joys You have in store Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard The heart of man doesn’t understand The things prepared for those who love You
I can’t imagine perfection in all the universe No more hunger or war, no dying or thirst Desires of the heart filled to the brim Purity from the start, no longer plagued by sin
I can’t imagine the Peace that passes understanding Filling each soul to glorify You The fruits of Your Spirit in dazzling delight Shinning eternally, no need for sun, no night All unified in You we are One
I can’t imagine the joys You have in store Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard The heart of man doesn’t understand The things prepared for those who love You I can’t imagine the Peace that passes understanding All unified in You we are One
Age: 125
6683 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
In wisdom, You created all In perfect order, you have drawn the expanse The Planets, the stars All visible, and invisible to the extremities of the Cosmos
And yet, man cannot begin to understand your humble motives Your good will, unto all Creation Your sacrificial offering , to salvage of what remains
For You, know there is still good in each and everyone Oh, Lord Your wonders, I see and cannot help, to wonder!!!
Age: 125
6683 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Every idle word we will ever think, Not just the ones we claim belong to us, Are part of an unconscious interlink, Becoming self when oft repeated thus. Longing for more, the soul sings silently. Each word erased becomes the spirit’s gain. Soft whispers calling out to set you free, From somewhere further than the deepest pain. Remember back before the world of lies? Endearing thoughts filled every break in time, Enlightenment was anything but wise, Dreams more than just a merchant’s pantomime. Obedience enables freedom from Mundanity of ego’s pounding drum.
Age: 125
6683 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
You belong to earth; Therefore You dream of fame and glory. He belongs to Heaven; Therefore He dreams of love and service. I belong to God; Therefore I dream of compassion and perfection.
Age: 125
6683 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
You love Heaven. Indeed, This is a partial truth. You love earth. Indeed, This is an inconceivable truth. You love God. Indeed, This is an undeniable truth. You love yourself. Indeed, This is the eternal truth.