
Age: 125
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Killing us softly with the life you live,
ignoring the love so many friends give.
Breaking all our hearts more each day,
as we watch you throw your life away.
We all love you too much to just stand by,
to hear you talk about wanting to die.
Doing things that may lead to your death,
we will not help you take your final breath.
Somehow, someway we must get through,
we love you too much and will stand by you.
See the path of destuction you have taken,
your friends and family have been forsaken.
We will not stand by and help you destroy,
a friend who once filled our lives with joy.
No matter how tough life may seem today,
we will not allow you to throw it away.
Never give up on you ,we will keep trying,
to keep our friend safe, keep you from dying.
Listen to the loving advice we have said,
there is a brighter day near, it lies ahead.