Darkness remains when sun rises,
pain comes to call with surprises.
In a blink of an eye, life falls apart,
the one you love breaks your heart.
Left shattered but an empty shell,
love disappears, turns into hell.
My eyes red and swollen everyday,
since you took eveything away.
Time loses meaning, future is gone,
I have no more reason to go on.
Chasing the moon, but a pipe dream,
sorrow changes plans and schemes.
A hole in my heart too deep to fill,
bored by lost love and own free will.
Regretting does not change the fact,
of common sense I surely lacked.
Putting so much faith in love and you,
just to have you say, we were through.
I do not laugh, though joke is on me,
blind sided, this hurt I did not see.