Hello and welcome to the World of PhotoShop
in this Topic i am gonna Teach U Some PhotoShop tricks
well they are not Mine
they are from the expert
creators of PhotoShop i have learned some Tricks which
i am gonna show you in this Topic so photshop lovers
there are rules in this Topic
rule no : no extra Questions coz i am a student just like you everything i will show is well detailed so i am
sure they are easy to learn coz i am a newbie and i learnt a lot so can u
so shall we begin
the tutorial is about
Glitter text everyone like Glitter stuff
so i will show u how to make a GLITTER TEXT
Before you begin, you will want to think about a couple of
things. What color and size you want the text to be, and what
color is the background that you will be putting it on. You will
want to match the background color of this project to the
background color of whatever you are going to use it with. This
is not absolutely necessary, but I think it looks tons better.
Create a new document of whatever size you want the text to be.
Select the color you want the text to be in the foreground color
tile. I am going to make mine red. Select the horizontal type
tool, and type your text. I am using a font called Arial Rounded
MT Bold at a height of 100pt. Bolder fonts will work better for
this, but choose whichever you like.
You should now have a background layer and a text layer
Next you will need to rasterize the type so that we can add
filters to it. Select Layer/Rasterize/Type. Now duplicate the
type layer twice so that we have 3 layers of the text. Make sure
the type layer is highlighted as shown above and choose
Layer/Duplicate Layer and click OK. Do this one more time.
Highlight the top layer of text, and select Filter/Noise/Add
noise. Set the amount to 50%
Then hightlight the next layer, but this time add noise at 55%.
On the last type layer add noise at 60%.
Now we will add a bit of spice to the text to make it really
pop. Highlight the top layer and select Layer/Layer
Style/Blending Options. I am going to add a stroke, a drop
shadow, and some bevel and emboss using the settings shown
below. You may have to tweak your settings a bit depending on
the type and size of font you are using.
Next we will need to copy this layer style to our other text
layers. Right click on the top layer and select Copy Layer
Style. Now right click on each of the other two text layers and
choose Paste Layer Style. Now the only difference between the
layers is the level of noise.
To create our animation we will need to jump over to ImageReady.
Cick on the jump to ImageReady button.
Once in ImageReady, make sure your animation window is showing.
If not select Window/Animation.
At this point we only want the top text layer and the background
layer to be showing. Turn the other text layers off by clicking
on the little eyball on their layers. You should have one frame
showing as above. Click on the flyout menu of the animation
window and select New Frame.
Now turn off the top layer, and turn on the next layer of text.
Add a new frame, turn off the text layer that is on, and turn on
the bottom text layer. Add one more frame and use the middle
text layer again. You should now have 4 frames in your
animation. Hit the play button to see how it looks
Once you have it the way you want, you will need to save it.
Make sure your optimize window is set to GIF. If you can't see
the optimize window select Window/Optimize. Here are the
settings I use
Now you will need to select File/Save Optimized As. Choose a
folder and a name, and your animated glitter text is web ready.
Here is how mine turned out
Hope u have enjoyed it
more to Come