
Age: 125
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Uncertain as I rest my head,
pierced heart runs blood red.
Eyes blurred from tears shed,
as I lay down my weary head.
Grasp straws within my dreams,
moonlight shine mid moonbeams.
Sift past life's endless schemes,
uncertainty begets low esteem.
Come what may there is a chance,
things change by happenstance,
At life, love take a second glance,
decide not to miss the dance.
Cinderella danced at the ball,
found there her true love after all.
At any moment I too can fall,
yes very soon new love may call.
Unfore-seen are my possibilities,
happiness can be waiting for me.
With hope, faith my future can be,
my dream can become a reality.