hellow online frend

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 415
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Neutral Zone, Neutral Zone
• Miss mine
Posted 23 Sep 2008

i dont see mny peopl onlne. but hi to evrybdy.
Posted 23 Sep 2008

Miss mine says

y hello sana
Posted 23 Sep 2008

Posted 23 Sep 2008

Posted 23 Sep 2008

Miss mine says

hows ur day?
Posted 23 Sep 2008

not gd. im in school
Posted 23 Sep 2008

wt about you?
Posted 23 Sep 2008

Posted 23 Sep 2008

Posted 23 Sep 2008

Miss mine says
sana.sharof said:

not gd. im in school

aaaaaaah.. school days rock yar

Posted 23 Sep 2008

Miss mine says
sana.sharof said:

wt about you?

i'm gud thxs, taking a break frm work, being lazy
Posted 23 Sep 2008

school days dont rock. i was having this re* lesson nd i got told off jus because i was talking to my frned. not good im on brek now. sohappy got another lesson. hate re and history
Posted 23 Sep 2008

you work? lucky u. must be having so much of freedom. u can talk to your frnedn while ur workin. innit?
Posted 23 Sep 2008

Miss mine says

2 of my fav subjects

yup i was a chatterbox at school to, always being moved, dont u reckon these teachers hv eyez in the back of their heads
Posted 23 Sep 2008

got 2 more years left. nd then college yipee
Posted 23 Sep 2008

Miss mine says
sana.sharof said:

you work? lucky u. must be having so much of freedom. u can talk to your frnedn while ur workin. innit?

yep gr8 job n gr8 collegues, apart frm my boss

i call him ghenda    
Posted 23 Sep 2008

haha hah. yeh teachers mannn. theyre evil with 4 eyes someones 6 eyes if theeres a teather with glasses on hahaha
Posted 23 Sep 2008

bosses and teacxhers. mannnnn. sucks
Posted 23 Sep 2008

Miss mine says

i had a boss-eyed teacher, u could never tell who she was looking at, she used to loose it big time, end up by giving the whole class detention
Posted 23 Sep 2008

iamgona work in mcdonalds. love mcdonalds. tasty food. yummy icecream.
Posted 23 Sep 2008

Miss mine says
sana.sharof said:

got 2 more years left. nd then college yipee

Gud luck
Posted 23 Sep 2008

detentions. hahahahahaaaaaa
i always end up getting in detention even if i dont do anythin. crap*
Posted 23 Sep 2008

and my frned end up having good news slips
i only get good news slips in art.yuck* pisses me off
Posted 23 Sep 2008

hate re history art they all suck
i get big time told off from re everytme i go to lessons
bad re
Posted 23 Sep 2008

Miss mine says
sana.sharof said:

iamgona work in mcdonalds. love mcdonalds. tasty food. yummy icecream.

oooooh maccie d's..

each to their own
Posted 23 Sep 2008

yeh. hahaaaaaa love being on my own. with no crapy bosses telline me off
Posted 23 Sep 2008

Miss mine says

im trying so hard not to be byast

Posted 23 Sep 2008

hah haaaha my frneds here now im hypered bye
Posted 23 Sep 2008

bye see you soon.

Posted 23 Sep 2008

~tasha~ says
sana.sharof said:

i dont see mny peopl onlne. but hi to evrybdy.

oh hi miss sana
Posted 23 Sep 2008

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