Favorite memory in childhood would be,
I was six and our new house was ready.
Eight in our family with mom and dad,
leaving friends behind would be sad.
An adventure in the country had begun,
a stream next to yard was so much fun.
Craw fish, pollywog's caught in a jar,
boats of Popsicle sticks floated afar.
Huge hill of dirt piled high was fun,
king of the mountain, up and down run.
Houses built up and down the street,
games to play, new friends to meet.
Another thing that was fun as a kid,
old mayonnaise jar, holes in the lid.
Caught grasshoppers then let them go,
fireflies in summer to watch them glow.
Sister and I would share our own room,
dad planted wild tiger lilies in bloom.
Our house was small but was nice to me,
love that was shared, is a fond memory.
A baby was born that made number nine,
was a little crowded but that was fine.
So many memories have now faded away,
I will never forget that moving day.