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Age: 124
Total Posts: 11119
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
hey ppl admins and all the rest
i think all this thing with ppl choosing their usernames is going to far i mean
and all the other words i think these type of words should be actually blocked to even be used on the site
it kinda givs the site a bad rep
hu's wiv me?
Posted 07 Oct 2008

all done ... jus let me informe by pm if u have another offensive words those are not yet censored.....
Posted 07 Oct 2008

~Fragi~ says
jag was concerned abt it .. but he forgot his password
Posted 07 Oct 2008

I've already done it ....
Posted 07 Oct 2008

~Fragi~ says
thz ur majesty
Posted 08 Oct 2008

we work as a team
Posted 08 Oct 2008

wol man i loves u alot yara!!!!
and dont worry jo apni diya i will fulfill it acha
dont worry
love u lots!!!!
Posted 09 Oct 2008

thanks u mein worry nahi karta aab
Posted 09 Oct 2008

Posted 09 Oct 2008

SupidGuy says

~Fragi~ said:

jag was concerned abt it .. but he forgot his password



Posted 09 Oct 2008

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