
Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
It is evident beyond doubt that smoking is injurious to health. Allah says in the Qur'an:
"And make not your own hands contribute to your destruction" (2:195).
Muslim scholars in the past differed in opinion regarding smoking because of lack of evidence relating cigarette smoking to disease. Those who considered Makruh (a hated act) regarded this lack of evidence. But since 30 years ago the evidence clearly demonstrates that smoking is injurious to health. The majority of Ahl Sunnah wal-Jama'ah scholars and Jumhur have clearly stated that smoking is Haram.
Quotes from some scholars:
Shaykh Abu Bakr Jabir al-Jazairi a Professor in Islamic University of Madinah and a famous teacher in Masjid an-Nabawi has clearly explained the 'Hukm' of smoking derived from the Qur'an and the Sunnah:
"Anything that harms the human body is Haram"
"The consensus (Ijma') of Ulama', prohibits the act of destroying property unnecessarily or using it not for the path of Shara' as in the case of smoking"
"Bringing harm to others is Harâm and so does smoking"
"It is clear that Sharia' condemns smoking as a disgraceful and damaging act. Smoking is an act of sin and it is wrong for it is Haram and it is Wajib to abstain from it."
Ibn Hajr in his 'Fath al-Mubin' gave 2 points why smoking is Haram in Islam:
The act leads to harmful effects, whether noticed or unseen.
It will cause the body to suffer.
The Prophet (s.a.w.) said:
"Do not hurt yourselves nor injure others." (Ahmad & Ibn Majah)
Shaykh Muhammad al-'Aini states in "Fatwa Shraba ad-Dukhan" (8-10), that smoking is prohibited due to these 4 'Usul' (principles):
Indulging in anything that causes harm to your health is Harâm.
Ittifaq (agreed) by Fuqaha of Salaf (early Muslims) and Khalaf (later Muslims) that smoking is Harâm.
The bad smell which smoking produces disturbs others: humans and angels alike.
Smoking can be addictive & wasteful and from these reasons alone it can be considered Harâm already, based on the ruling from the principles of Shari'ah' and rational (Ma'qul).
Shaykh Mahmuud Syaltuut, a former Dean at the University of al-Azhar wrote:
"The dangers of smoking are clear. Once you quit smoking, the person becomes 'muftir' (drowsy, tired) as explained in a Hadith from Imam Ahmad that: acts that will lead to 'muftir' are prohibited). Furthermore, smoking is usually unpleasant to others, it leads to lung cancer and leads to the wasting of one's property (as had been prohibited by the Prophet (s.a.w))."
Shaykh Muhammad 'Abduh a known reformer of Islam introduced the principles of:
"The security & well being of the physical health is more important than the well being of religion."
"Preventing the disease is better than treating it."
Professor Ahmad Shalabi a famous writer in Islam makes it clear that:
"Smoking will lead to diseases and this is Haram; furthermore it creates economic hardships for the family or the society which will compromise the funding and Maslahah of the family & society."
Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradhawi a well known Da'i and scholar in Islam states:
"Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink or smoke (inhale) something which could lead to their death whether it be instantly or over a long period of time."
"According to the methodology of the Shari'ah, smoking is prohibited."
Al-Allamah AbdurRahman Nasir as-Sa'di from his works:
"Everything which inflicts harm to the servant of Allah affecting the Deen or the body or the property without any benefit, is definitely Harâm."
Sulayman Bujayrmi, a Shafi'i scholar says:
"Whatever harms the body or mind is unlawful, from which the unlawfulness of the well known tobacco is known."
Evidence relating to the prohibition of cigarette smoking are derived from the Qurân and the Sunnah, through the methodology of Usul Fiqh with the true spirit of the Shari'ah. Many scholars clarified this by giving Fataawa's and writings from the time of as-Shafi'i (200 H), Ibn Taimiyyah (700 H), Hassan al-Banna (1400 H) until now.
The Prophet (s.A.w.) said: "Refrain from harming your own soul, and follow not its whims into the disobedience of God."