Salaat is the Key to Paradise...

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Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*Salaat is a basic pillar of islam
It is mentioned again and again in the Quran
The importance of prayer is in seven hundred places
But in the mosque,do you see many young faces?
Praying in the mosque gives 27 times the reward
Pray with the intention that you're pleasing your Lord
When you walk to the mosque,just remember within
You gain a reward and you're losing a sin

For every step towards your destination
This is a blessing from Allah swt to his creation
The Quran has foretold, that before you are dead
`say your prayers before your prayers are said'
our prophet saws said about those who miss prayer
fifteen punishments they'll have to bear
six in this life,three on passing away
three in the grave and three on judgement day
for missing fajr at the start of the day
the glow of the face is taken away

The punishment for missing the salaat of Dhuhar
there will be no blessing from your income no more
for missing asr, the middle prayer of the day
the strength of the body is taken away
by missing maghrib, remember one thing
you will not be benefited by your offspring
for missing ishaa at the end of the day
the peace of your sleep will be taken away

While seeing elders pray at the mosque door
remember as a young person, your reward is 70 times more
read salaat punctually, read it with care
on judgement day, we will be asked about prayer
that's the first question, so take this advice
***Salaat is the key to paradise.....!

Posted 23 Nov 2008

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