My Angel Left Without Me

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Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan

Today I sit underneath of this tree, Next to this very stone!
I've been coming here for years, All of which I’ve been alone!
I can still make out the writing, that lies above your grave!
In Loving Memory Of An Angel, and the blessings that she gave!
We met so long ago, Since then you've been my one and only true Best Friend!
I remember every second, Up until the very end!
I remember I was driving, the roads were really wet that night!
I wasn't going fast at all, But those lights were just too bright!
I remember when I woke, Not knowing what to do!
The very first thing that came to my mind, was not myself but you!
You laid there just looking at me, as if it was your final glance!
I grabbed your hand, looked to the sky, and said, Please One More Chance.
I remember the day of the funeral, All of our family and friends!
I remember when the preacher said, When one life ends, a new begins!
Before they put you in this ground, I walked over to see you one last time!
I kissed your lips and held your hand, and One More Chance went through my mind!
I asked God Why not me, Why you, and what I did so wrong?
He said everything has purpose, And that life must be lived on!
So I live it on this very moment, Always remembering the day!
That God sent me My Angel, And then took her away!
Posted 13 Dec 2008

olldman says
Excellent. Rapunzel.
Posted 14 Dec 2008

~tasha~ says
Posted 14 Dec 2008

Rapunzel says
Posted 14 Dec 2008

valandrian says
Posted 19 May 2018

Posted 26 Sep 2018

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