
Age: 125
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Who am I, O Creater of Souls......
Am I one? Am I all?
Sometimes I am Rabia....
I live alone in the desert, one with God
I shun all the world has to offer, all comforts, all temptations,
I conquer my nafs like a mujahid, above all creations,
Sometimes I am so proud to be me..
But then...
Sometimes I am Sita...
Protecting my chastity, ready to walk in fire
So confident I am of my innocence
No matter where or how, I am pure
Purest, down to my essence
But then...
Sometimes I am Zuliekha...
Worshipping my desires my needs,
Ready to risk the fire of hell, clutching on to Yousuf
Not letting go, though I know I am wrong,
But I close my eyes to truth, the devil’s grip is so strong
But then....
Sometimes I am Maryam....
At peace with my motherly soul
There is no other goal,
Just God, his acceptence and my off spring
I desire no other thing
But then......
Sometimes I am Meera...
So deeply so innocently so purely in love
With a god... an illusion...an image
Singing songs of nirvana, waiting for acceptance
Which may come or may not, but she sings anyway
But then....
Sometimes I am Sassi...
With no hope, lost in the desert
Walking barefoot, thirsty and alone
Knowing she can never have what she seeks
She knows, her beloved she can never meet
Why O why Creater of souls, my Lord....
Why have you made me so many yet one...
Why am I everybody, yet none..
Please, wipe out all the colours from my soul,
Just give me white and black peace, that is all.