Life is a sparkling flower, Flowing with colors from the rainbow of God, Shinning with the rays of a summer sun, But someday that flower must wither away.
Age: 125
7177 days old here
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Some Like Poetry
by Wislawa Szymborska
Write it. Write. In ordinary ink on ordinary paper: they were given no food, they all died of hunger. "All. How many? It's a big meadow. How much grass for each one?" Write: I don't know. History counts its skeletons in round numbers. A thousand and one remains a thousand, as though the one had never existed: an imaginary embryo, an empty cradle, an ABC never read, air that laughs, cries, grows, emptiness running down steps toward the garden, nobody's place in the line.
We stand in the meadow where it became flesh, and the meadow is silent as a false witness. Sunny. Green. Nearby, a forest with wood for chewing and water under the bark- every day a full ration of the view until you go blind. Overhead, a bird- the shadow of its life-giving wings brushed their lips. Their jaws opened. Teeth clacked against teeth. At night, the sickle moon shone in the sky and reaped wheat for their bread. Hands came floating from blackened icons, empty cups in their fingers. On a spit of barbed wire, a man was turning. They sang with their mouths full of earth. "A lovely song of how war strikes straight at the heart." Write: how silent. "Yes."
Age: 125
7177 days old here
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Life goes on as a never ending day, For every smile I have to pay. Sorrows and miseries change young into old, But I can't get a happy moment, even if everything is sold.
Fate is against me at every nook and turn, No one is mine, I have to learn. My heart and mind are on a constant fight, Every way seems to me as a cloudy night.
Whenever I see a light sparkling on my way, Whenever I try to deduce what is it trying to say, I loose the track and found myself alone, As if everything from my life is gone.
But I promise myself to fight till the end, I know that the finale have to be grand. Why should I feel lonely and alone? When I know that everyone in this world came, and will go, alone...
Age: 125
7177 days old here
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Tolerating both happiness and sorrow Life remains always silence No one till is knowing What life is saying Life is not a spectacle or a feast it is a predicament life is full of challenges which people do face Life comes and goes Just as season changes Life is a fragrant of realization Not a matter of visualization But life is an instant happiness we ought to grab it, because life is not life at all without delight Life is an imagination of purity or simply a reality life is beautiful if we have beauty of soul because charms strike the sight but merit wins the soul and is not appereciated by all life is up and down where every one person wants the crown life is a journey which people travel pass life is all about you enjoy it with this strongest clue 'dont add years to your life rather add life to your years' Life life life life........... Ever existing
Age: 125
7177 days old here
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
My life is not a mystery, Can't u see? I'm Just Me... Eye like my life isn't it plain 2 see/ just cuz my life is not like urs dat doesn't mean u can treat me.. My life is not a Mystery. Just Apperciate Me! Why Don't U Understand My Life is not a Mystery...