Allah Hides Our Faults

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Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*We all have faults. We all wish not to have them aired to others. What we do in private or the sins we committee should not be publicized. Friends can reveal our faults, familiy can reveal our faults, but it is the Mercy of Allah that He conceals them.

We must not reveal our faults to others either. Allah covers them up for us, yet we go ahead and reveal them without thought.

Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet said: "One who helped someone in a trouble in this world, Allah will help him in his trouble in the Hereafter and one who keeps the faults of a Muslim secret in this world, Allah will keep his faults in the Hereafter and Allah remains in the help of the (Muslim) man until he is in the help of his brother." (Musnad Ahmad: 274/2)

Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet said: "One sees a stalk in his brother's eye but forgets the trunk of his own eye." (Ibne Hibban: 73/13)

Abu Rafi' narrates that the Prophet said: "He who bathes a dead body and concealed his faults (if any), Allah will forgive his forty major sins and one who digs a grave for his brother and he buries him, is like the one who lodged him in a place till the resurrection (i.e. he will be rewarded for lodging someone for such a long time)." (Majma'-a-Zawaid: 114/3)

Ibn Umar reports that the Messenger of Allah said:

"A believer will approach his Lord on the Day of Judgment and will be covered with His Mercy.He will ask him about his sins saying, "Do you remember such-and-such a sin"?
He will answer, "O Lord, I do remember".
Then Allah will say, "I kept it secret for you in the world and I pardon you today."

Then the record of his good deeds will be handed to him".[Bukhari and Muslim>

May Allah Ta'ala continue to cover our faults and grant us mercy from Himself, Ameen.

Allah swt Knows Best...!
Posted 30 Dec 2008

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