Reaching for the Stars

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Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*As a true believer, a Muslim must do all that is expected of him/her. There is no time for play in this religion. It is a serious time for us to get right and stay right. We do not have a long time in this world, as time is fleeting fast, just as Allah and the Prophat(PBUH) said that it would.

A true believer must only be in this world to gain the knowledge required of him to live, educate and sustain themselves. Then there comes a point in time that a believer must try to rise above this world. The goals and aspirations should not be for dunyah. Sure we have to live, eat and survive, but this survival is for dunyah, only.

Survival for the Jannah is to place your goals and future aspirations with Allah. This is done through our prayers, deeds, sacrifices, our yearnings for paradise, asking for forgiveness, etc.

Wealth, affluence, status in this life is NO guarantee or passport to the Jannah. We must find a balance in our lives that will not coincide with our hopes for the Jannah. The striving for the Hereafter should be first in our lives, all that we have stored up in this world cannot be taken with us to the next. Even if we are buried with it, it is for naught, no use.

For Reverts:
Why did our forefathers neglect to tell us about the Jannah and Hellfire? Is it because they themselves had no real idea,
or they were not taught it either?

Did they know and not want to be "different" from everybody else?

Now that we know the truth: will we be like our forefathers and not tell about Jannah and Hellfire, and the conditions of earning either one?

We as true believers should reach not just for this world but the world beyond the stars, the world beyond any human imagination, the world that was designed and created for those who truly believe and trust in Allah. Those who were martyred, died a horrible death, in childbirth etc., all are in line for the Heavens and all that Allah has promised, Inshallah.

The true believer will not waste a single precious moment in this world doing useless and non-productive things. They will be trying to get their own house in order, seeking forgiveness for their shortcomings and sins. They have no time for play and idle work. They have no time for gossip or backbiting. They will not spend all their free time at play.

A true believer will live according to what Allah Ta'ala has prescribed for them. They will know many of the pit falls of the world and try to avoid them.

We must have the goal of Jannah in our minds as all we have here will be destroyed, and forgotten. Will we be ready? Will we be able to answer the questions? Will we have done all that we could to gain Allah's Mercy and forgiveness?

We can reach as high as we wish in this world. We can gain all the recognition, gold stars, emmys amd awards. Then we ask ourselves will this earn me the place in the Jannah where the real recognition of sacrifice is granted to us and our loved ones.

Let us try to reach for the stars everyday of our lives. Let us continue to plan for the day when all will be assigned Heaven or Hell. Let us not allow the shaitan to hold us back from the rewards of our Creator.

Remember: Whoever wishes to meet Allah tomorrow, should prepare himself today, waste no time in things that are not a help to you, never forget to pray, never leave the Sunnah of the Prophet(PBUH), and never forget Allah.

Allah swt Knows Best...!
Posted 30 Dec 2008

Rapunzel says
Waalaikum Assalam

Nice topic Wid a very nice & true message
Jazak Allah dear
Posted 01 Jan 2009

sun_shine says

*Thank You
Jazak Allah Khair
Posted 09 Jan 2009

valandrian says
Posted 29 Apr 2018

Posted 26 Sep 2018

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