What will I say to Him?

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 13494
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*(A young man named Abu Abdullah related to us the following story.)

***I don't know how to explain an experience I lived through a while ago, which changed my entire life's routine. The truth is that I would never have decided to reveal it if it weren't for the fact that I felt a responsibility towards Allah. My story serves as a warning for the many young men who disobey Allah, and as a warning for our young sisters who follow a false dream or fantasy called "love".

We were three friends, nothing grouped us together but disobedience and misguidance. No, actually we were four, Satan was the fourth.

We used to go scouting for beautiful girls, and lure them with our sweet talk, and tool them to secluded areas. There, they sould be surprised that we had turned into foxes with no sympathy, no feelings whatsoever; no matter what they said or did to make us reconsider out ill intentions. We were coldhearted, and we had no feelings, or any sense of shame. That is how we spent out days and nights; in the farms, campgrounds, cars, and at the beaches. Until one fateful day that I wil never forget.

We went as usual to our usual party place, everything was ready. Each one of us had marked his prey, we stocked up on the damned drink, alchohol, but we forgot one thing: the food. After a while, one of my friends went in his car to buy some food. It was almost 6 PM.

Hours passed without him returning so at around 10 PM I became worried that something might have happened to him. So I went and drove out to look for him. Along the way, I saw some flames of a fire spreading on the sides of the road. When I reached it, I was shocked to see that it was my friends car on fire, with the flames consuming it up while it was flipped over on it's side.

I ran like crazy, trying to free my friend from his burning car. I was alarmed to see that the bottom half of his body was black like charcoal, but miraculously, he was stil alive. I carried him out and placed him on the ground, and after a minute he opened his eyes and yelled: "The fire! The fire!" At this point, I told him I would rush him to the hospital.

But he sobbed: "There's no use, I won't reach there."

Tears overcame me as I was watching my friend die in front of me. Suddenly, he stunned me by yelling: "What will I say to Him?! What will I say to Him?!"

Dumbfounded I looked at him and asked "Who?"

He replied with a faint voice: "Allah."

I felt fear creep all over my body and I began to shake. Then suddenly he let out an echoing scream as he took in his last breath. My friend then died in my arms.

The days passed, but the image of my friend being consumed by the fir and yelling
"What will I say to Him?! What will I say to Him?!" never left my mind. I found myself asking the same thing: "And what will I say to Him?!"

This is a question all those of us who disobey Allah's commands should ask themselves. "What will I say to Him?!"

My eyes overflowed with tears and I felt an odd compassionate feeling, which I had never felt before. At that same moment, in my mind, I heard the Muezzing call for prayer.

I felt that the call was directed to me personally, telling me to close the curtains on my dark years of my life and return to the straight path of guidance and obedience.

I washed up, made wudu, and cleansed myself from the sins I had been drowned in, and I prayed.

Since that day, I have turned to Allah, begging for gorgiveness and repentance. I haven't missed one prayer or any of my compulsory Islamic responsibilities. I became a new person. I am now striving to be an obedient servant to My Creator. My life has changed for the better, and I have finally found peace.

May Allah swt guide All of Us and Forgive us,Ameen.

Posted 04 Jan 2009

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