
Age: 125
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
I can only love you
and if it's not enough, it's not enough
You see, I'm here from other places
and once upon a time, I knew it all
But that was when my loves came one by one
closing all others out with an intensity
that seems now like stranger's story
not well written
It's well populated, this older world of mine
cities full of strangers loved
Some known better than others
but loved even so and changing in my mind
So many colors, maybe you can pay the bill
and leave a bit for the waiter
because I love him too
Not so well perhaps, but well enough
He fights his own dreams, keeps at it
You can see it in his eyes
It's all in the way he pours the wine
and thinks of what's unwritten
That pretty much says it all for me
How we pour each other's wine
and if our hand shakes, clouds the bottle
or doesn't and it runs clear
Time to leave, I'll walk you home
to Seattle or Tunisia or anywhere you choose
It's not too far in any case
and I no longer care for cabs
We'll talk of things we couldn't know
except for those we loved before
We're more of a crowd than a couple, don't you see
Only for moments are we alone, just moments