No punt intended at you Fragi. I apologize if my statements ahead will offend you in any way. Bitterness in the tone here is due to the frustration and anger felt in the heart.
I have heard this before from many quarters...have we changed any bit? We talk of changing self only when there is a crises. We suddenly wakeup from deep sleep and want to do something, but we wobble afew steps, like voting on net, and then fall asleep again....we wont change because we don't want to change.
We only want more and better of this life for ourselves and our loved ones at any and all costs. Our nation is in a druken state and it will remain that way. Nations that are insensitive in their core, they desrve to be humiliated, kicked around, name-called, and everything enjoy the fruit
I hope and only hope somebody will wake-up and lead