~*~ Beauty in Life ~*~

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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

*~*~ Beauty in Life ~*~

"The greatest discovery of my generation", says William James, the father of modern psychology, "is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude."

No matter what you are about to do, you can make it more beautiful and rewarding, by adding a magic ingredient to it. That magic ingredient, the Messenger of Islam Muhammad (SAWS), says, is al-rifq: gentleness, kindness, friendliness, politeness, and softness. "Gentleness, if added to an act, only adds to its beauty, and if taken away from an act, only spoils it." (Bukhari)

This one principle of al-rifq is key to a beautiful, pleasurable, and Godly life. Relaxed, fun people can be righteous, Allah-fearing and scholarly. If righteousness had anything to do with gravity, the Prophet of Allah (SAWS) would be the gravest of all, never would he have smiled.

But behold, we learn the very opposite from an authentic report: "I never met the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) without noticing a smile on his face."

A gentle, kind, forgiving, friendly life is fun to live-it is more than bearable. And we, only we, decide how to live it.
A stern, unkind, envious, disruptive and feared person punishes himself more than anyone else, and lives a dreadful life. Fine humor is one of the best qualities to have; it is often an antidote to anxiety and depression.

The best way to live a beautiful life is to do beautiful things to others. "The best of you are the best of you in their manners," (Muslim.) Once he said, "None of you believes (perfectly) until he is merciful.'' The Companions said, "O Messenger of Allah, we are all merciful.'' The Prophet replied, "I do not mean only your mercy for your friends and family, I mean the general mercy: mercy for all."

Forgive others, and they are likely to forgive you; and most importantly, Allah (SWT) will forgive you. Next time you are about to 'teach a lesson' to someone who wronged you, think of Allah (SWT) and how you expect Allah (SWT) to treat you.
Do you prefer that Allah (SWT) deals with you 'fairly', and takes you to task for every mistake, or do you hope for His infinite mercy? If not for his mercy, even the most righteous of all, the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) could not enter Paradise. So what about us?

What, if not mercy, forgiveness and generosity of Allah (SWT) do we have to rely on? Remember Allah (SWT) when others wrong you, and try to treat them as you wish Allah (SWT) would treat you. Besides all other things, forgiveness will make your life beautiful.

Stop fretting about small things, and all things are small, except for Allah (SWT). And thinking about Allah (SWT) is the greatest beauty of human life. Those who have tasted this pleasure witness that "if the kings of the world knew what we have (of inner peace), they would have fought for it with swords." Fortunately, those engrossed in this world cannot ever know about this pleasure. Their wildest fancies cannot reach this beautiful peace of nearness to Allah (SWT).

"Beautiful patience," as mentioned in [Qur'an 12:18, 12:83>, is what Islam teaches us in the face of crisis: it is a weapon that defeats the enemy from without, the Satan and his helpers among men, as well as the enemy from within, anxiety and hopelessness.

Imam Ibn Taimiyyah, when under fury of the rulers and adversaries for speaking the truth for the sake of Allah (SWT), repeatedly faced exile and imprisonment. His determination, however, never abated. He summarized his inner story in these words of stunning beauty and depth:

"A prisoner is one who has shut out Allah (SWT) from his heart." "A prisoner is one whose lust has made him captive."
"In this world, there is a paradise to be entered; he who does not enter it will not enter the paradise of the world to come." "What can my enemies possibly do to me? My paradise is in my breast; wherever I go it goes with me. For me, prison is a place of retreat and reflection; execution is my opportunity for martyrdom; and exile from my town is but a chance to travel through Allah's land."

How can you defeat a man, or a people, or an Ummah (Nation), whose paradise is in their hearts?

Faith in Allah (SWT) is the source of all beauty in life. Beautiful, gentle manners are an inevitable fruit of this faith. "Beautiful patience" in the face of hardship is a direct consequence of it. Let us beautify our lives by living Allah-centered, faithful lives.

[From: Al Jumu'ah Vol. 15 Issue 04>

Posted 12 Feb 2009

lildude says
Posted 12 Feb 2009

sun_shine says
*Jazak Allah Khair
Thank You...!
Posted 13 Feb 2009

lildude says
u welcome!
Posted 13 Feb 2009

~tasha~ says
nice read
Posted 17 Feb 2009

sun_shine says
*JazakAllah Khair...!
Posted 17 Feb 2009

valandrian says
Posted 29 Apr 2018

Posted 26 Sep 2018

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