as my eyes closed, my mind
awakens to a fantasy
where there are no
boundaries or barriers;
drawn to a memory so beautiful,
to make it a reality I would surely die for;
dwelling in sleepless nights forever,
searching for an escape from this matrix of life;
caught in a never ending quest
and battle for all things, but life;
unsure of where I am supposed to go,
I had lost my way in this long and winding roads;
one step away from losing my mind,
falling deeper into the unknown,
I did not know how to go on
pretending everything was fine;
a strange place it was for my new beginning,
wondered why, of all the places, why this?
as the eyes settled to the dim light,
one look and I knew right away, this is the place;
as the moonlit sky penetrates concentration,
visions of her now stir such sensation,
vast wilderness of the night opens my heart,
emotions take over, and my writing starts;
letting go of the fear welled up inside,
the call of the heart no longer denied,
with passion flowing in the twilight,
words spill out inspired by love.