The Power of Love

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
365 days makes a year
1 day to celebrate your birthday
1 day to celebrate the beginning of a new year
1 day when santa claus knocks on your door
1 day when the air is polluted (diwali)
everyday i see you
from the dawn to the dusk
you are there in front of me
from the time
moon rises to the time sun rises
we are transported across time
in our small little world that we share in my sleep
i wish to be near you
yet i am so far away
i wish we could spend a lot of time together doing nothing
yet time flies when you are near
and i realize time can be pretty fast when you want it to be slow
1 day is all i have
to know if my path
leads to heaven or hell
1 day 1 minute 1 second
is all we have
to make the (remaining) 360 days
a memorable time
such is the power of love
1 day is all we need to know our fate…
Posted 19 Feb 2009

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