Asian said:i feel like killing someone
my urdu not good so i'll type it all in english
some twat in university has been racist to me.
he followed me tomy support lecture, his comments began with "why are you in university? muslims girls an't allowed out?" he then moved to all british women are sluts, and my personal fav, i don't care about africa and gaza all they do is eat aid.
i was so angry i felt like hitting him. but i controlled myself. i complained to a lecturer and they gave me two options
1, deal with him informally, this would mean he would recieve a warning from a lecturer
2, do it formally, this could result in him losing his degree course
i've worked my butt off to get into uni, i know how much it means to get onto a degree course. the woman in me wanted revenge, but the muslim in me seeked to forgive.
i decided to go informal route, the dean of my law school spoke to him, he just turned around and acted the fool as if nothing ever happened.
even if they wanted to deal with him informally they can't because he denies all that ever happened, in essence calling me a liar!!!!!
i got the same choice infront of me again.i was seriously annoyed yesturday, i felt like smacking his teeth out. but i diddn't go anywhere near him.
some people say leave it, he's moved into other groups. but if i had said something racist and then left him alone, it dosen't make it right?
and if he goes into legal practice? what if he gets a muslim client? he won't be impartial.
eshajam said:The Only Reason Anyone Would Ever Hate
You Is Because They Want To Be Just Like You.![]()
Let It Go![]()