Dedicated to All JB Members

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Teen Tracker

Age: 124
Total Posts: 28886
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
Today is 22 Septmeber and my friend ship with you and JB is now 5 months old.The very first friend
on this board of mine was Lahoree Budee NFAKFan.Our likings are common as well as opposite too.In this
period our friendship got many ups and down.Our topics was locked.But it doesnt ended our relationship.
If unfortunately i missed to post at JB i feel that some thing is missing.So I dedicate this topic to
all of my friends specially NFAKFan,FFM,Rani,london_ki_hoor,mansoorghori,sofia786,pakilion and many more
Those whose names i didnt mention are not of less importance.I like u all.These all friends have made me
tied to this board.Thanx for keeping me tied.This Topic is dedicated to all JB friends.
Posted 22 Sep 2003

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