Racism Vs Underachievement

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Racism vs Underachievement
It is absurd to say that institutional racism is dead. It is still alive in the form of Islamophobia. . One of the deepest expressions of institutional racism affecting immigrant communities, and one that has been long documented is the unequal treatment of their children by the education system. They are motivated, but knocked back by their experiences of the school system. They are often treated more harshly and viewed with lower teacher expectation on the basis of teachers’ assumptions about their motivation and ability.

LAs are failing in their duty to combat racism in schools, according to OFSTED, Education system exhibits “aspects of racism”. A quarter of authorities are not doing enough to promote equal educational opportunities. A Brighton University study found that the Britain education system is institutionally racist, with pupils and teachers vulnerable to abuse by peers, teachers and management. I discovered the element of racism in early 70s. National Curriculum does not reflect cultural diversity and minority pupils are being held back by native teachers. London Borough of Newham was judged by OFSTED as unsatisfactory in tackling racism. There are big issues about racism in schools needed to be tackled but could not understand that Bilingual Muslim pupils need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. It is a crime against humanity to deprive a child of his mother tongue but in the name of integration every thing is fair. Independent schools are also racist in nature. The parents of a Pakistani boy who was racially abused by his classmates and teachers are suing St. Christopher School.

Education report by Birmingham Advisory Service recommends that school lessons should take into account cultural differences in order to improve pupils’ performance. It calls for teaching “the need for mutual respect and understanding”. Minority pupils are underachieving at school because the curriculum is racist. The study found lessons often failed to motivate or interest pupils because curriculum did not provide enough positive role models. The curriculum needs to be more balanced and less Eurocentric. Pupils grow up thinking there is no other playwright than Shakespeare. An ethnicity “Tsar” should be appointed to reform British schooling. Muslim schools performed best overall, although they constitute only a fraction of the country’s 7000 schools. Muslim schools do well because of their Islamic ethos and a focus on traditional discipline and teaching methods. They teach children what is right and what is wrong, because young children need structural guidance. Muslim school is responsible for the development of the whole child. Muslim schools give Muslim children “pride, identity and a sense of culture and languages.
Iftikhar Ahmad

Posted 06 Mar 2009

Societies with high demographic representation of immigrants represent this threat to impair the objective of neutrality. And to an extent always represent an inherent limitation to perform under stress from racism or institutional delusions.
Posted 06 Mar 2009

Asian says
im an ethnic minoritie

im in University

what other people say has not stopped me from persuing my education

Posted 06 Mar 2009

javad says
Posted 06 Mar 2009

Asian says
people will always judge and be racist because they do not embrace faith and are part of the dejjal system.

their is only once race, the human race, and we all should submitt to ALLAH
Posted 06 Mar 2009

What is dejjal system?
Posted 07 Mar 2009

Asian says
castro said:

What is dejjal system?

islam ko paro yaar
Posted 07 Mar 2009

Asian said:

castro said:

What is dejjal system?

islam ko paro yaar

Means you don't know yourself...
Posted 08 Mar 2009

Asian says
dejjal system, is the indoctrnated system humans will be part of paving the way for the Dejjal to come and seek faulse prophethood.

i know my info, but no point in disscussing it with you if you haven't taken the time to read it.

its acutal good as describing all that is messed up with soceity. goverments, people smoking , drinking,

Posted 22 Mar 2009

Who is Dejjal? I guess its same as Satan, right.

So he is responsible for all this mess. So we humans are not responsible its the dejjal, who is responsible.
Posted 22 Mar 2009

Asian says
my god, haven't you learn't anything?

plz time nikaal ker thora se reading karo, it will put alot of life into context.

im guessing your athiest?
Posted 23 Mar 2009

Asian said:

my god, haven't you learn't anything?

plz time nikaal ker thora se reading karo, it will put alot of life into context.

im guessing your athiest?

I am not Athiest. But i admit i am not very well versed with religious knowledge. Though i can relate life to religion to a certain extent.
Posted 27 Mar 2009

Asian says
ok ask an elder, its real intresting stuff

very relevent to today
Posted 28 Mar 2009

Dajjal will have one eye..he will appear at jugdement day, Dajjal aasman ki taraf haath karega tu barish hogi..Pahaar ki taraf karega pahaar tooteingey,,log samjheygein yeh ALLAH hai par that will be not true.He will fight with Hazrat ESA..
Posted 28 Mar 2009

Iftikhar says
Bilingual Muslim Children need state funded muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. It is better to put your children in a toilet instead of in a state school. At least if you put them in a toilet you can wash them after. If you put your children into state schools, you are sending them to be indoctrinated with the common views and beliefs of a society.Children are young and impressionable. There is a danger that liberal, feminist, radicalist and homosexual and lesbian teachers are implanting their values into children. It is a well known fact that children tend to listen to their teachers before their parents. There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be designated as Muslim Community schools

Posted 28 Mar 2009

valandrian says
Posted 20 May 2018

Posted 26 Sep 2018

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