Age: 125
Total Posts: 296
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
My PC have this weird problem. It crashes after every 3-4 hours. I am unable to find out the reason or remedy for this matter. My brother's PC works fine for hours and hours. My PC also used to behave like a good pup but since last month, it starts to respond late like an old lady and then it crashes on the stairs. Not on the stairs as such.
I used to have a PC long time back which used to have a similar problem as it used to freeze 15 minutes after connecting to the internet, which later turned out to be due to a non-compatible modem. But in this PC, I am yet to figure out whats going wrong...
Specs of my PC:
512 MB RAM
Optical Mouse
Nvidia 5800
Age: 124
7694 days old here
Total Posts: 591
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
CaStro So far i havE understOOd ur probleM , power suPPly caN bE thE reaSons intiaLLy it workS finE aS thE loaD geTs onTo thE suPPly iT jusT geT triP sO i wiLL suggeSt u tOO cheCk thE cableS anD (if eaSy try changinG thE power suPPlY)
2nD reaSon caN bE oF ur video card as it seemS noT comaptiBle or maY be meetinG the minimuM requirementS mostLy iT workS finE wiTh the CPU speeD of 1.5 GHZ or abovE
iF motherboarD haS thE builTin vGa trY removinG this anD uSe thaT and cheCk if pC workS finE
lEt mE knOw if iT dinT worK foR u wiLL trY suM othEr soluTioN