The Best Of The Best ...***

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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*The Best Of The Best       
Written by Abu Eesa Niamatullah     

Have you ever wondered to yourself what it actually means to be the best?

When we are told that ‘this is the best’ or ‘that was the greatest’ or ‘this will bring the most benefit’ etc, have you ever thought who on Earth gave such people/editors the authority to tell us that? In an age when we have a plethora of ‘Top 10’ or ‘Top 100’ lists on everything from cars to films, from foods to places, one wonders where is that list that will really provide some benefit to us in this current short life and the next very long one.

Well, wait no more. Below, from a choice of hundreds of narrations from our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) you can find 100 hadîth, in no particular order of merit, detailing ways on exactly how to become the best, how to have the most excellent characteristics, what really will prove most beneficial for us to know, what really are the greatest things to think about and hope for and indeed, how to become the most beloved of people to our Exalted Creator, Allâh jalla wa ‘alâ.

No more subjectivity, no more empty statements; just the divine criteria of what really is the best as developed by the very best himself, Muhammad al-Mustapha (‘alayhis-salâtu was-salâm). For an explanation of the meaning of each of these hadîth, you can visit here.

So go on, don’t be ordinary. Don’t be common. Don’t be average.

Be the best.

Prophet Muhammad (sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) told us:

1. “The best of the Muslims is he from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe.” (Muslim)

2. “The best of people are those with the most excellent character.” (Tabarâni, Sahîh)

3. “The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.” (Dâraqutni, Hasan)

4. “The best of people are those who are best in fulfilling (rights).” (Ibn Mâjah, Sahîh)

5. “The best of people during fitnah is a man who takes up the reins of his horse pursuing the enemies of Allâh, causing them fear yet they make him fearful too, or a man who secludes himself in the desert fulfilling the rights of Allâh upon him.” (Hâkim, Sahîh)

6. “The best of mankind is my generation, then those that follow them and then those that follow them. Then there shall come a people after them who will become avaricious, who will love gluttony, and who will give witness before they are asked for it.” (Tirmidhi, Sahîh)

7. “The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds.” (Tirmidhi, Sahîh)

8. “The best of women are those that please him (her husband) when he sees her, obeys him when she is commanded, and who does not secretly betray him with regards to herself and her money in that which he dislikes.” (Ahmad, Sahîh)

9. “The best of women are those that please you when you see them, obey you when commanded, and who safeguard themselves and your money in your absence.” (Tabarâni, Sahîh)

10. “The best of marriages are the easiest ones.” (Abu Dâwûd, Sahîh)

11. “The best of your dates is the Borniyyû date; it expels disease yet does not contain any disease itself.” (Hâkim, Hasan)

12. “The best of your garments are those which are white; shroud your dead in them and clothe your living with them. The best of that which you apply to your eyelids is antimony causing the eyelashes to grow and sharpening the eyesight.” (Ibn Hibbân, Sahîh)

13. “The best quality of your religion is scrupulousness.” (Hâkim, Sahîh)

14. “The best of your religion is that which is easiest.” (Ahmad, Sahîh)

15. “The best of the prayer lines for men are the first rows, the worst being the final rows. The best of the prayer lines for women are the final rows and the worst are the first rows.” (Muslim)

16. “The best prayers for women are those performed in the most secluded parts of their houses.” (Ibn Khuzaymah, Sahîh)

17. “The best of you in Islâm are those who are most excellent in character as long as you deeply understand the religion.” (Ahmad, Sahîh)

18. “The best of you are the best of you in fulfilling (rights).” (Ahmad, Sahîh)

19. “The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best of you to my family.” (Tirmidhi, Sahîh)

20. “The best of you are my generation, then those that follow them and then those that follow them. Then there shall come after them a people who will betray and be untrustworthy, will give witness even though they have not been asked to, will make vows yet will not fulfil them and obesity will appear amongst them.” (Bukhâri)

21. “The best of you are those who feed others and return greetings.” (Abu Ya‛lâ, Hasan)

22. “The best of you is he from whom good is anticipated and safety from his evil is assured; the worst of you is he from whom nothing good is expected and one is not safe from his evil.” (Tirmidhi, Sahîh)

23. “The best thing mankind has been given is excellent character.” (Hâkim, Sahîh)

24. “The best of that which you treat yourself with is cupping.” (Hâkim, Sahîh)

25. “The best of journeys undertaken are to this Mosque of mine and the Ancient House.” (Ahmad, Sahîh)

26. “The best of which man can leave behind for himself are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, an ongoing charity whose reward continues to reach him and knowledge which others benefit from after him.” (Ibn Hibbân, Hasan)

27. “The best Mosques for women are the most secluded parts of their houses.” (Bayhaqi, Sahîh)

28. “The best of the world’s women are four: Maryum bint ‛Imrân, Khadîjah bint Khuwaylid, Fâtimah bint Muhammad and Âsiyah the wife of Fir‛awn.” (Ahmad, Sahîh)

29. “The best of days that you should perform cupping are the 17th, 19th and 21st of the month. I did not pass a single gathering of angels on the night of Isrâ’ except that they would say to me, ‘O Muhammad, perform cupping!’” (Ahmad, Sahîh)

30. “The best day on which the Sun has risen is Friday; on it Âdam was created, on it Âdam was made to enter Paradise and on it he was expelled. The Hour will not be established except on Friday.” (Muslim)

31. “Verily, the best of perfume for men is that which is strong in smell and light in colour, and the best of perfume for women is that which is strong in colour and light in smell.” (Tirmidhi, Sahîh)

32. “The most beloved of religions according to Allâh the Most High is the ‘easy and flexible religion.’” (Ahmad, Hasan)

33. “The most beloved of deeds according to Allâh are the continuous ones, even if they are little.” (Agreed upon)

34. “The most beloved of names according to Allâh are ‘Abd Allah, ‘Abd’l-Rahmân and Hârith.” (Abu Ya‛lâ, Sahîh)

35. “The most beloved of deeds according to Allâh are the prayer in its right time, then to treat the parents in an excellent manner, and then Jihâd in the path of Allâh.” (Agreed upon)

36. “The most beloved of deeds according to Allâh is that you die and yet your tongue is still moist from the remembrance of Allâh.” (Ibn Hibbân, Hasan)

37. “The most beloved words according to Allah the Most High are four: Subhânallâh, Alhamdulillâh, Lâ ilâha illallâh and Allâhu Akbar; there is no problem with which one you start with.” (Muslim)

38. “The most beloved of speech accordi
Posted 02 May 2009

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Posted 29 Apr 2018

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