Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum
Daily Reflections - An invitation from Allah swt
Allah (swt) says in Surah Adh-Dhariyat (The Winds that Scatter)
15. Verily, the Muttaqun (pious) will be in the midst of Gardens and springs
16. Taking joy in the things which their Lord has given them. Verily they were before this, Muhsinun (good doers)
17. They used to sleep but little at night
18. And in the hours before dawn, they were found, asking Allah (swt) for forgiveness
Imagine this…
One day you are walking home and you see a young person on the street - a fellow Muslim Masha Allah - but you notice that he/she is absolutely filthy, looks like they haven’t eaten for days, clothes are in tatters and they can barely walk because they seem so ill. You feel some compassion for them. It's been a good day Alhamdulillah and you begin to appreciate all the wealth Allah (swt) has blessed you with. So you say, ‘look akhi/ukhti I know a hotel near here, I’m going to book you in. Go in, clean yourself up, have something to eat. I’ll even send a doctor, he will give you whatever medicine you need. You’ll come out right as rain. And you know what, it’s all for free, on me, no problem’. You book him in to the best suite. Tell him the hotel and room number and say you will see him tomorrow morning Insha Allah.
Tomorrow morning comes, you go to the hotel. The best room, the best food, the best doctor with the best medicine… It’s totally empty, completely untouched. The door knob was not even turned, by the person whom you offered such compassion. You rush outside to find that young person; only to see him still sitting there; filthy, hungry and ill.
What do you think of him? This person, who refused your invitation? Turned away from your compassion? What a fool?! He had the chance to sort himself out, clean himself up, get himself remedies, and he missed it?! What a loser?! I offered him such a wonderful thing, and he refused me?! How ungrateful...
Allahu Akbar. ‘Our Lord descends every night, during the last third of it, to the skies of this world, and asks: ‘Who is making du’a to Me so that I can respond to him? Who is asking of Me so that I can give him? Who is asking for My Forgiveness so that I can forgive him? [Bukhari and Muslim>
Make effort to do tahajjud prayer my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. It doesn’t have to be everyday; begin waking up a couple of times a week, even once a week, but make it regular, make sure you do it. If you have family, a spouse, wake up together, wake each other up. Humble yourself in front of your Lord. Build your relationship with Allah (swt). Bring yourself close to Ar-Rahmaan (The Most Merciful). Taste the sweetness of His blessings in the early hours of the morning and see the fruits of it in your life. For surely, it is an invitation to nothing but good and benefit for you. ‘Is there any reward for good other than good?’ [55:60>
Every single day, Allah (swt) invites us to Mercy and Compassion. He waits to cleanse us of our sins, shower us with blessings, answer our du’a and give us medicine that will cure our diseased hearts. If we don’t respond one day, Allah (swt) is waiting the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that because our Lord does not turn away. The King, The Omnipotent, The Majestic, The One, The Mighty, The Supreme in Greatness, The Self Sufficient, The First, The Last, None is like Him (swt), Lord of all the worlds, King of kings…waits, for the likes of me and you, mankind, servants, nothing but mere human beings… just insan…
Will the created really refuse the invitation of their Creator?
Ya Muslim, how will you respond to this invitation?