A very handy software for splitting and joining files , I use it very frequently in order to share videos on line . First i split vid upload them one by one and my friends on other side download the parts and join them .
Visit following link u'll find it there , feel free to ask if there is any problem .
Age: 44
7879 days old here
Total Posts: 1098
Points: 0
lahore, Pakistan
Mr Death thx for ur comments , interestingly i came to know about this software from A very good indian friend of mine . But i dont agree with your statement that Every one knows , cas new commers are always faragh as i was one day .
Age: 44
4598 days old here
Total Posts: 1262
Points: 0
Karachi, Pakistan
Well MrDeath it would be really nice if share your information instead of criticizing over it! hopefully next time you keep in mind.
Regarding splitting & joining files.. the best is winRAR from http://www.rarlabs.com it will do the compression also.. better than WinZIP :D you can split files into your desired size and other person only needs WinRAR or you can create executable so double click & join all files automatically. That's my personal choice! :)