Yoga teacher training cource

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Age: 125
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India, India
A yoga teacher’s training should prepare the yoga teacher to support his/her students in their spiritual development through practice of asana, pranayama, relaxation, meditation and also possibly through direct instruction in yoga philosophy and yogic principles.

A yoga teacher’s training, by its very nature, helps a yoga teacher to develop good communication skills, self-discipline and compassion. These are essential qualities for yoga teachers if they are to work effectively with their students.

It is important for yoga teachers to remember that a yoga teacher’s training is never complete. Yoga is a way of life. The yogic path is a lifelong journey in which we are constantly learning and developing. Once formal training is complete, a yoga teacher’s training continues with each yoga class that is taught: yoga students become the teacher’s teachers! And a yoga teacher’s training continues through the teacher’s own personal “sadhana” (yoga practice).
Yoga is ultimately a search for union of the individual soul with the infinite. It is a gradual and mystical process of re-attuning ourselves again to the Divine, to the Truth of who we really are. The learning, the journey therefore is without ending for both student and teacher: all remain always students of yoga. Coming to this remembrance is one more essential part of a Yoga teacher training cource .
Posted 25 Sep 2009

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