ydakh said:There have been come in 'Hindustan',there were great 'sufi' saint come here for every religion,they r spreading Islam in 'Hindustan',like 'Khawja Ghareeb Nawaz","Data Gunj Buksh",10 lakh Hindus have accepted Islam on the hand of "Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz" and these 'Karamat' are very popular..I am sorry to those of people do not accept 'sufi' and sufism',but it is a fact ,Hindus are also accept 'Dargha' and 'Munnat' in the 'Mazar' of these sufi saint..
ffm said:
ydakh said:There have been come in 'Hindustan',there were great 'sufi' saint come here for every religion,they r spreading Islam in 'Hindustan',like 'Khawja Ghareeb Nawaz","Data Gunj Buksh",10 lakh Hindus have accepted Islam on the hand of "Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz" and these 'Karamat' are very popular..I am sorry to those of people do not accept 'sufi' and sufism',but it is a fact ,Hindus are also accept 'Dargha' and 'Munnat' in the 'Mazar' of these sufi saint..
well dear ... i wud not say ne thing .. coz tum mind bohat kartey hoo .. per Mullah's kee baat nahi hai
case is dis if ya read Koran wid translation ya'll find k islam is not in favor of saintism n "Tark-e-Duniya" ,,
nothing more ... i know ya 'll call me Orthodox ,, per we shud promote da best part of our religion
no doubt those persons hav gr8 contribution in order to spread Islam .. i really respect them .,.. per case is dis k we have to COnsider da ground facts .. any how ...dona mind ...
coz i know k tum mind bohat kartey hoo
SALL said:sufisme is not really tark e dunya..
if u read these sufi s biography u ll learn that most of the time ppl rejected em..
ydakh said:I am true representator of majority of muslim in earth.
ydakh said:yes bibijan,U r right!,really Mazar has not found,but before building saudia Arabia in 1935 from whole arab,u will see a history,Hazrat Ammna and other 'Jannat-ul-Baque' picture are present here,I watched that pictures,but Saudia Govt has findished these Graveyard,so SaudiaArabia is not a true Islam,only one purticular sect has occupied saudia arabia,u will have understood what do I want to say?It's also mentioned BBC.
We have only respect 'Makkah' and Madina'...some construction has been happended since 1400 years..
said:i don' blv in dargha , mannat....& stuff like dat.....
BibiJan said:When i go to a Mazhaar, i have my fatiah and say "Ay Baba Hum Musilmano Key Leay Dua Karna ALLAH Aap ki Sunta Hai"
ydakh said:Mr.ffm or bibijan or all...
I objection that sufi people is called 'Dead'...why all muslim say in graveyard 'As-slam-ulaaukum ya-helilqabor',who is listening,why Mohammad(peace be upon him) said to us?
Islam is also a spritual religion..if body has finished,soul never dead...and sufi has a power which has provide by allah..we believe,we dont say,this sufi is doing himself,he is a hidden and unpredictable spritual power..
said:i don' blv in dargha , mannat....& stuff like dat.....