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Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
There have been come in 'Hindustan',there were great 'sufi' saint come here for every religion,they r spreading Islam in 'Hindustan',like 'Khawja Ghareeb Nawaz","Data Gunj Buksh",10 lakh Hindus have accepted Islam on the hand of "Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz" and these 'Karamat' are very popular..I am sorry to those of people do not accept 'sufi' and sufism',but it is a fact ,Hindus are also accept 'Dargha' and 'Munnat' in the 'Mazar' of these sufi saint..
Posted 14 Oct 2003

Ashii says
i dont belive much on dargha mannat wagera..
but believe in sufisme.. the best way to live but the hardest one too coz everything s based on 'what u have in ur heart n mind'
hmmm.. the real concept of islam i suppose,, but unfortunately we r far away from this way of life..
may Allah bless all of us
Posted 15 Oct 2003

yeh,Islam spread itself from sufism,we should proud of this 'Wirsa' of Islam,but present some mullahs r spreading wrong things of Islam...
Posted 15 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
ydakh said:

There have been come in 'Hindustan',there were great 'sufi' saint come here for every religion,they r spreading Islam in 'Hindustan',like 'Khawja Ghareeb Nawaz","Data Gunj Buksh",10 lakh Hindus have accepted Islam on the hand of "Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz" and these 'Karamat' are very popular..I am sorry to those of people do not accept 'sufi' and sufism',but it is a fact ,Hindus are also accept 'Dargha' and 'Munnat' in the 'Mazar' of these sufi saint..

well dear ... i wud not say ne thing .. coz tum mind bohat kartey hoo .. per Mullah's kee baat nahi hai

case is dis if ya read Koran wid translation ya'll find k islam is not in favor of saintism n "Tark-e-Duniya" ,,

nothing more ... i know ya 'll call me Orthodox ,, per we shud promote da best part of our religion

no doubt those persons hav gr8 contribution in order to spread Islam .. i really respect them .,.. per case is dis k we have to COnsider da ground facts .. any how ...dona mind ...

coz i know k tum mind bohat kartey hoo
Posted 15 Oct 2003

Ashii says
sufisme is not really tark e dunya..
if u read these sufi s biography u ll learn that most of the time ppl rejected em..
Posted 15 Oct 2003

ffm said:

ydakh said:

There have been come in 'Hindustan',there were great 'sufi' saint come here for every religion,they r spreading Islam in 'Hindustan',like 'Khawja Ghareeb Nawaz","Data Gunj Buksh",10 lakh Hindus have accepted Islam on the hand of "Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz" and these 'Karamat' are very popular..I am sorry to those of people do not accept 'sufi' and sufism',but it is a fact ,Hindus are also accept 'Dargha' and 'Munnat' in the 'Mazar' of these sufi saint..

well dear ... i wud not say ne thing .. coz tum mind bohat kartey hoo .. per Mullah's kee baat nahi hai

case is dis if ya read Koran wid translation ya'll find k islam is not in favor of saintism n "Tark-e-Duniya" ,,

nothing more ... i know ya 'll call me Orthodox ,, per we shud promote da best part of our religion

no doubt those persons hav gr8 contribution in order to spread Islam .. i really respect them .,.. per case is dis k we have to COnsider da ground facts .. any how ...dona mind ...

coz i know k tum mind bohat kartey hoo

no,ffm this thread is not answer for's a my fresh thread,I dont mind anything,I have discussed a general perception,I am talking some people in our society,app apna aap pay kuoo la raha ho,...
I will talk all other issue which minority of people understand bad in our I dont mind anything except without reason and warning locking topic,that all...
Posted 16 Oct 2003

SALL said:

sufisme is not really tark e dunya..
if u read these sufi s biography u ll learn that most of the time ppl rejected em..

yeah right man,sufism has been defamed to against people,actually sufism is most peace,love relation of mankind...not connected to any religion...
Today people sufism belivers are peace today,but who against them,they r extremist according to our Govt statment..
Posted 16 Oct 2003

Ashii says

Posted 16 Oct 2003

NADZ18 says
what are you
or sufi muslim
Posted 18 Oct 2003

I am true representator of majority of muslim in earth.
Posted 19 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
ydakh said:

I am true representator of majority of muslim in earth.

well sorry to say k majority of muzlims on earth r not wat ya r thinking

Posted 19 Oct 2003

that's not my thinking...It's my belive and it's true...whether u belive or not?
20th century sects I dont belive...
Posted 20 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says

no problem

chill pill

Posted 20 Oct 2003

Ashii says
shantiii bachaaa shantiiiiiii

sufi or orthodox.. bager reason larna dono liye mana hai..
so and shake hands like good kids..
Posted 20 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
you all are correct.... if you want to know what i think...
Islam started from Arabia... people started to convert into Islam.. so the Sufis traveled to other countries to spread Islam.. they went all over the globe, and converted hundreds and thousand into Islam.. They went to Africa Europe Far East Etc Etc... But in SubContinent we built Mazhaars and started making shirk.. I go to Mazhaars and only have Fatiah.. but because of lack of education some of us worship Sufis..They say "Ay Baba Mujhe Aulad Dey" We should only ask ALLAH for everything we want.. We all know Sufis spread Islam all over, we should respect them.. I have traveled to many countries but i did not see a single Mazhaar anywhere except India n Pakistan.. My point is why there is no Mazhaar in Saudi Arabia from where Sufis were born, also no Mazhaar in the largest Islamic contry Indonesia.. Sufis went there also..
Please correct me if i am wrong.
Posted 21 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
When i go to a Mazhaar, i have my fatiah and say "Ay Baba Hum Musilmano Key Leay Dua Karna ALLAH Aap ki Sunta Hai"
Posted 21 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
Every person has a different point of view... maybe my info is not correct.. if you have correct info please correct me also... we should always listen to someone who has more knowlodge..
Posted 21 Oct 2003

yes bibijan,U r right!,really Mazar has not found,but before building saudia Arabia in 1935 from whole arab,u will see a history,Hazrat Ammna and other 'Jannat-ul-Baque' picture are present here,I watched that pictures,but Saudia Govt has findished these Graveyard,so SaudiaArabia is not a true Islam,only one purticular sect has occupied saudia arabia,u will have understood what do I want to say?It's also mentioned BBC.
We have only respect 'Makkah' and Madina'...some construction has been happended since 1400 years..
Posted 21 Oct 2003

Cute_gal says
i don' blv in dargha , mannat....& stuff like dat.....
Posted 21 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
ydakh said:

yes bibijan,U r right!,really Mazar has not found,but before building saudia Arabia in 1935 from whole arab,u will see a history,Hazrat Ammna and other 'Jannat-ul-Baque' picture are present here,I watched that pictures,but Saudia Govt has findished these Graveyard,so SaudiaArabia is not a true Islam,only one purticular sect has occupied saudia arabia,u will have understood what do I want to say?It's also mentioned BBC.
We have only respect 'Makkah' and Madina'...some construction has been happended since 1400 years..

In Saudia the reason for not building mazhaars was that people will start shirk.. we as muslim are not allowed to say "SaudiaArabia is not a true Islam" Only ALLAH knows..


i don' blv in dargha , mannat....& stuff like dat.....

Me also dont belive... But the Sufi did a great job spreading Islam we should respect them..
Posted 21 Oct 2003

Allah gave a mind us...we respect history of islam in saudia arabia,but that saying,after finishing graveyard...Arab country dont have Mazar are not fair and not ture..We should judge according to history...
Posted 22 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
I meant Arab countries dont have Mazaar like we do in Indo-Pak.. We have Khawja Ghareeb Nawaz,Data Gunj Buksh, and many great Sufi.. and you must have notice most of the people are doing Shirk here... Sufis didnt only come to Indo-Pak they went all over the world. But no Mazaars in other countries
Posted 22 Oct 2003

Bro Riza says
History isnt always right Ydakh, there were arrogant people at that time to, which is why some people now are the same and have inherited this ignorance.

Anyway all i want to say is Allah is always here and always willing to answer our prayers. If we realy wanted our prayers answered we have to please Allah in every way he has asked us to, he has told us many times in the quran, i am of forgiving, all you have to do is ask.
Its that simple. Obviously you have to have sincerity and if you have done wrong, then you have to truly repent. But the point i am making is we do not have to go to people to ask them to pray for us, when we have been told ourselves that our prayers will be answered if we follow the book, right? We just have to be dedicated in being the best muslims we can be, then allah will be with you all the time inshallah.
Well then it is up to you, do you realy love Allah enough to sacrafice the things you like. Or are you to caught up in this world and forgotten your real duty?

The prophet (saw) once said,"live your life in this world as if you are a traveller resting under a tree"
Meaning that this world is just a test, our final destination is Akhirah,inshallah.
Brother and sisters dont dwell in the nitty gritties,(this is the shatan fighting with you) or you may fall of the straight path(Allah Forbid)
May Allah bless us All.
Posted 22 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
BibiJan said:

When i go to a Mazhaar, i have my fatiah and say "Ay Baba Hum Musilmano Key Leay Dua Karna ALLAH Aap ki Sunta Hai"

well bibi jan .. i hava objection here 2

how can ya talk wid a Dead person///

plz forgive me..coz i know they ppl were gr8 ppl

per no more they r in this world

n if ya read koran translation ya wud find k
it iz clearly stated dat no dead person can hear ne voice of so from this world.. so how can we convey our msgs

if we have to make a dua... so simple. .. Allah se directly mango .... Allah kehta hai k koi hai mera banda jo mujhe se mangey ,.... jo woh mangey mein dua ko ager is duniya mein pori na ho sakey to phir bhi us ko eik neeki k toor per Allah yaum akerat mein humien dega,.... dua karna SIRF ALLAH dat best ....
we dona need ne connection....

ager aisee baat hoti to Huzrat Muhammad se maqbool insaan koon hai..koi nahi .....
tu phir her koi ja kar nabi kee kabar k paas rehta ... aur wahan majma laga rehta jabk aisa nahi hai ...

we dona need any History book... we hav to consult FACT BOOK n koran is da one n only fact book ....

if ya read koran by translation ...ya 'll find k in koran each n every matter of daily life is present in it ...

I don think k , mein orthodox khela kar khush hota hoon ..per sorry to say last year i went to Dada darbar lahore ... n i cant explain in ma words k wahan per kitna shirk pehla hoya hai....Astagfirullah....

us haalat se acha hai .. k we hav koran .. true book ...

so we shud study it ....

hope fully no body will mind ma point

n in da end genral sorry

coz after readin one or two post i cant keep quite...

well sorry

if any body mind ma view ..plz tell me

i ll delete this post
Posted 22 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
You are right .. when we have the direct number of ALLAH why should go via operator... As for Mazhaars i know many people asking tbe Baba to give them child, money and solve thier problems.. i have tell them ask ALLAH direct... Just have fatiah for thier sole and come back..
btw plz dont delete your post.. it was knowlodge for me and others also
Posted 22 Oct 2003

Bro Riza says
Its true FFM when you see something abd you believe its wrong, then its our dutie to tell people about it. If they are true muslims then they should understand.

The bottomline is some people get carried away by some previous sufis or somewhat. that they start graveworshipping and thining that this person was closer to Allah he should be able to answer prayer through Allah, but he is dead now and just like A normal person, he cant even do dua for himself, only people on this can do it for them. Grave worshipping is shirk, because you associate partners with Allah.

These people are very naikh people, but lets not get carried away. Like i said the shaitan uses every tool he can to get us. and he tends to succeed. we have to increase our knowledge to keep the shaitan away.
Posted 23 Oct 2003

Mr.ffm or bibijan or all...

I am objection this article,I have listened and read 100 times this kind of statement...I am sorry,only quran is not only a shariah...Hadees,fiqa,Sunnat and many more makes a sharehait,me and u all not a aalim,Aalim is different man who cammand over sheriat,so there is contovertial issue for this,quran writes a 'Waseela'...
poor and sick minded people do bad handling in Mazar no doubt,I accept,this should not happened..

I objection that sufi people is called 'Dead'...why all muslim say in graveyard 'As-slam-ulaaukum ya-helilqabor',who is listening,why Mohammad(peace be upon him) said to us?

Islam is also a spritual religion..if body has finished,soul never dead...and sufi has a power which has provide by allah..we believe,we dont say,this sufi is doing himself,he is a hidden and unpredictable spritual power..

well,I dont fight anybody,don't mind...

this is a big contovertial of this issue,I think we only discuss sufi life and how have they taught Islam?and today why? when a lot of 'Tableghey jammat' are present,but I am sad Islam is not a original shape,'Rehmat','Mehrban'...and other Muslim and Islam quality..Non_muslim are alleging countinuesly us?

There is no time to fight each other.
We are all muslim and we r not extremist...
but fundementalist things are necessary for our religion...God do better in future!May allah Help us for recent situation?
That's all..dont mind any people..every man right to say his own opinion,plz talk farward Positive Point...
Posted 23 Oct 2003

Ashii says

hey can someone plz post something on WHAT SHARIAT IS??
in simple words, if possible.. me quite confused abt that
Posted 23 Oct 2003

nobody can explain here about Shariah,because we r a little knowlege of religion,some r right or some r misunderstanding.
Posted 23 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
ydakh said:

Mr.ffm or bibijan or all...

I objection that sufi people is called 'Dead'...why all muslim say in graveyard 'As-slam-ulaaukum ya-helilqabor',who is listening,why Mohammad(peace be upon him) said to us?

Islam is also a spritual religion..if body has finished,soul never dead...and sufi has a power which has provide by allah..we believe,we dont say,this sufi is doing himself,he is a hidden and unpredictable spritual power..

well dear ,,, Kabar ja kar Salam karney ka matlab yeh nahi hota k we r conversating wid them .. da only reason of Saying salam is ..... "DUA dena" either for dead or alive .. salam karney ka matlab hota hai k we r givin dua to other k "tum per Allah keee salamti ho"
aur tell me CAN ya hear reply when ya say salam to saint..

n secondly ...itz a common n nondisputed fact k As we goes down in kabar , we cant hear n listen any thing ...

the one n only thing ... which aint controversial ..WE SHUD AVOID SHIRK

we have only one GOD , ALlah , who is Mushkal khusha .., who is Gareeb nawaz, wohi sab jahano ka palney wala hai .. hum sab us kee makhlook hain ... so y we goes to mazar for manat manuti ..

her gunnah kee mafi hai ... per if ya read KOran .. ya'll find k her gunnah kee mafi hai per shirk kee nahi

As far as concern wid the knowledge .. so Alhamdullilah ..mein ne sara Koran translation k saath , formal sessions mein parha hai ..aur kuch nahi thori bohat knowledge hai.. aur Positive manner mein baat karney kee bat to .. i m in positive manner .... coz being a muslim we shud avoid shirk ...

and kafi centuries , non muslims k saath reh kar un key ways ko hum ne adopt kar rakha hai .. n WE MUZ AVOID ALL BIDAHS....

Posted 23 Oct 2003


i don' blv in dargha , mannat....& stuff like dat.....

Me also dont belive... But the Sufi did a great job spreading Islam we should respect them..

i ain' disrespectin' 'em......ofcourse we shud respect 'em.,....
Posted 23 Oct 2003

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