The mas-mast girl has finally chosen her the 'Perfect Man' it is learnt. Karisma Kapoor who recently married with a Delhi-based young businessman Sunjay Kapur seems to have inspired her. Raveena didn't like to remain behind. Her dream man is Anil Thadani, a successful distributor of films. Anil's was the latest distribution of Shah Rukh Khan's 'Chalte Chalte'. There is another common thing between the two Bollywood beauties. Like Karisma didn't marry Abhishek Bachchan even after her engagement with him, Raveen Tandon too broke up with Akshay Kumar who later married Twinkle Khanna. This is despite that both the leading ladies of Mumbai had had a long affair with their boyfriends. This time Raveena is quiet about her relationship with Anil Thadani though they have been reportedly seen together several times by industrywallahs. When confronted with the reports of her marriage with Thadani, she uttered what she felt "I am very happy". However, she has been dismissing the news in this regard, presumably because she doesn't want to publicize it until she gets married with Thadani. She is right she doesn't want the past to repeat!