
Age: 125
Total Posts: 1
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I would like to know your opnion on the fact that our Lollywood directors are taking indian technicians in their films
eg) YDAKH- indian singers, dance director
Pehla pehla piyar- Indian crew
This new Iqbal Kashmiri film he's taking indian dancers and an indian actress.
Do you think its right for them to leave the crew from our industry and get help from across the border?

Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
i agree with wassup17.
we suck at making movies and indian's can be of help in this department. similarly, they've asked US for help in the music area: nusrat did 3 bollywood movies. reshma sang for some movie, and all i know is, the song was more popular than the film itself! adnan sami is working there. and now, junoon's lead singer ali azmat is doing the music for some broad named pooja bhaat, and her movie. so it works both ways. they help us, we help them.

Age: 125
7948 days old here
Total Posts: 2890
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Pakistan, Pakistan
no Mr.tanaali,there is no prove Pehlapehlapyar have indian...no Director Himself has cleared that no singer at all...newspaper has rumor and they dont know about movies...
I wana those person,they complain indian technician used,because of latest equipment used to Bollywood ,that's all,what happend?
U forgot Nasrat fateh ali,Adnan Sami?and remember movie will not hit when Director and story,Scrpit has not done a good jobe,indian technician is being used because of latest equipment,not the guarantee of successful movie,nothing?
U know 'Phar hi pyar main',who is tecnichian,his print is also digital,why flop,because of director....not tecnician?

Age: 125
7948 days old here
Total Posts: 2890
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
by the way tanali,this is not help,these indian r making a money...help means free enterence..lol....but I personally against them...but until we got a latest equipment and training in our country...
Bollwood is a big industry,so techinican is being used is suitable...