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Age: 124
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates

1. Salvation depends on the fact that every single belief of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah be so firm that one will remain firm even if the sky and the earth vanishes.

2. One must have great fear for his belief at all times. The Ulema of Islam state that: "One who does not fear that his Imaan may be taken away, would be stripped of his Imaan at the time of death."

3. Sayyiduna Umar Faruq (radi Allahu anhu) states: "If a voice calls out from the sky that all the people of the earth are forgiven but one, I would fear that the one would be me, and if the voice calls out that all the people on earth are dwellers of Hell but one, I will hope that the one be me." The status of "Khouf" (Fear) and "Raja" (Hope) must have a balance as displayed by Sayyiduna Umar Faruq (radi Allahu anhu).

Posted 30 Oct 2003

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