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only permanent break up is one that happens when both parties move on. Couples manage to get back together all the time , and being one of them is actually easier than you think. Make the right moves at
just the right time, and you can fix any break up. But make the wrong ones, and
you could push your exgirlfriend away from you.

Sometimes, getting your ex back after she dumps you means calling her bluff. By letting her understand she might just lose you for good, you can actually
make your ex realize that she wants you back. This is an important part of
re-establishing a new relationship: your girlfriend not only gets back together
with you, but she does so thinking it\s her own idea. Any new romance you create
will be stronger this way, because your ex got a glimpse of life without you –
and realized she\d rather have you by her side.

If whatever you\ve been doing to get your ex back hasn\t been working, the guidelines below will help you. Fighting , arguing – if your ex broke things off due to those types of reasons, she\ll tell
you she wants to be alone for a while. Roughly translated: she wants you to
chase after her, begging her to reconsider, while she uses the break up as an
excuse to decide if there\s someone better for her. This is where you need to be
very careful with how you handle your actions. The circumstances surrounding
your break up don\t really matter – it\s what you do afterward that\s key in
deciding if you\ll date your ex again.

There are two main reasons a girl breaks up with you:

She Really Does Want To See Other People

This is the rarer of the two reasons, but it\s the one that\s harder to recover from. If your girlfriend already met someone else or has another guy in
mind, she may feel guilty cheating on you. To avoid that guilt, she might break
up with you to see if the grass is truly greener on the other side of the fence.
And if that\s the case, she may ask for \a break\ instead of a breakup. This
gives her free reign to go out and see if things work with this other
guy , but to come back if it doesn\t.

She\s Fed Up and Wants a Change

If your girlfriend decides your relationship is getting stale, she might end things just to try and shake things up. Either you shape up or you ship out –
either way, she gets the change she\s looking for. The only problem is that in
this case, the girl doesn\t usually want a break up at all. She wants you to
modify your behavior in whatever direction she thinks will help her feel better
about things. Maybe she wants more time with you, or maybe she wants more space
– it doesn\t matter what she\s looking for, because as you beg and plead for
your girlfriend back she gets to call all the shots.

Most men make the same old mistakes when it comes to losing a girlfriend. First, they try to talk the girl out of it. The longer you do this, the more of
a gigantic power trip you\re sending your exgirlfriend on. As you shower her
with cards , love notes, phone calls, emails, text messages and everything short of holding
the radio outside her bedroom window, your ex is eating all this stuff up. She
may or may not want to get back together with you, but as you show her a
complete lack of respect for yourself, your girlfriend will quickly realize that
your desperation has reached red-line levels. And as that happens, she begins to
look elsewhere. Women want a man who\s strong and confident , not one they can walk all over.

Which leads to one of the best pieces of advice you can get after a breakup: Sometimes, you just have to call your girlfriend\s bluff.

Is your girl raging against every little aspect of your relationship? Let her do it. Does your girlfriend want time alone? Give it to her. Let your now
exgirlfriend have all the space she needs, so by the time she looks around her
bedroom late and night and realizes you\re not there, she\ll start wondering
what she\s going to do with all that space. Your girlfriend should check her
messages and find nothing from you. Her inbox should be empty. After several
days of no contact, your ex will start to look at things a lot differently. By
leaving her completely alone, you\ve given her time to really think about
things… and miss you.

Now I\m not saying you should play games with your relationship, especially if you love your girlfriend. But in cases like this, where your girl is breaking
up (or on the verge of it) with you , letting her go completely is often the only way to get her back. It\s hard to
see your relationship when you\re looking at it from the inside… but by being
apart, you\re both given a different perspective on things. Walk away, and both
take a good look at what\s wrong and what\s right with your romance. Don\t fight
her on the break up or try to get her to come back – she has to do that on her
own if you really want a healthy future relationship.

Calling your girlfriend\s bluff like this is what will actually force her hand. When she realizes you\re not chasing her anymore, she has to look very
carefully at what the both of you have. If she values it, or has love for you,
she\s going to miss and want you back. This might not happen the first day, or
even the first week… but if you can stay strong enough not to communicate with
her, she\s going to get lonely and vulnerable. That\s when the late night phone
call will come.

This method to getting your ex back provides you with the most control , dignity, and respect – for yourself, and from your ex. By looking at your
romance from the outside in, without you trying to convince her to keep it
going, any decision that your ex makes to get back together will come from
within her own head. This is crucial for setting your new relationship up for

Posted 01 Jun 2016

valandrian says
Posted 16 Apr 2018

Posted 27 Sep 2018

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