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u Should Consider Attention Deficit Disorder in
your Market Strategies

When building market strategies , it is important to know
that the world is suffering from a chronic case of marketplace Attention Deficit
Disorder. Consumers today are bombarded by so many choices for where to spend
each dollar, it is difficult to keep their attention on you long enough to get
or keep them as a customer. Understanding how this happens and how to overcome
it through market strategies is a big step toward increasing your market share
and the size of your business.

One of the causes of marketplace ADD is advertising
pollution. Think of the many web pages you visit every day and how many
advertisements clutter it. Many companies use banners, mini movies, picture and
text ads in their market strategies, crowding them into every available space
and competing for your attention. To protect yourself from information overload ,
you most likely just ignore the majority of these advertisements unless you see
one that is particularly compelling. You turn on the television, and when the
commercials interrupt your favorite program, you walk into the other room to get
a snack or put on a load of laundryor if you are really dedicated to missing
commercials, you TiVO your favorite shows and watch them interruption-free. A
telemarketer calls you during dinner, and you hang up. The sheer volume of
advertising can all be overwhelming and quite invasive.

The Cure for Market Attention Deficit Disorder lies in
Innovative Market Strategies

In a world where there is so much competition for your
potential (and current , for that matter) customers attention, bombarding them
with yet more advertising may not be the best choice among market strategies.
The same old commercials and Internet advertisements will not do the trick
anymore. Super Bowl commercials are more fantastic every year, drawing a lot of
attention from football fans and non-fans alike, who tune in to see what
advertising executives have come up with this year. However, even this stint of
market attention is short lived. The commercials soon become just one more

advertisement among the many others viewers ignore every day.

Product placement in movies and television shows is one of
the innovations in market strategies that came about in the past few years.
Where characters once drank from non-descript cans and drove cars that did not
exist in real life , we now see Coke and Mini Coopers. This form of advertisement
was a brilliant ideathe product enters or is reinforced in the viewers
consciousness. The audience is forced to see the product, because it is part of
the story and he cannot tune it out. However, it is a non-invasive form of
advertising, flowing along with the entertainment instead of interrupting it.

The key to fighting ADD in the market place is innovation.
Companies will need to be creative in their market strategies to find new ways
of calling attention to themselves, whether through publicity stunts or
innovative forms of advertising.

About Strategic Profits:

Strategic Profits is a privately held company headquartered in Delray Beach ,
Fla. Strategic Profits exists to help business and entrepreneurs online and
offline with business coaching advice and tools that they need to succeed in the
Attention Age. Visit the corporate Web site

www.strategicprofits for more
information or leave your questions andor comments on Rich Schefren's blog at

www.strategicprofitsblog. To
download, the free report this article is referencing visit, http:www.strategicprofits.

Author's Resource Box

normal>Strategic Profits is a privately held company
headquartered in Delray Beach, Fla. Strategic Profits exists to help business
and entrepreneurs online and offline with business coaching advice and tools
that they need to succeed in the Attention Age. Visit the corporate Web site

www.strategicprofits for more
information or leave your questions andor comments on Rich Schefrens blog at

www.strategicprofitsblog.? To
download, the free report this article is referencing visit ,


Article Source:

ockey is performed on gravel, natural lawn, sand based or water based artificial turf, with a little, hard ball. The game is well liked amidst
both males and females in many components of the world , especially in Europe, Asia, Australia, and South Africa. In most countries, the
game is performed between single sex edges , while they can be mixed sex.

The ruling body is the 116 member International Hockey Federation (FIH). Men s Field hockey has been performed at
each summer Olympic Games since 1908 (except 1912 and 1924), while Women s Field
Hockey has been performed each summer Olympic Games since 1980.

Modern area hockey twigs are J shaped and assembled of a composite of timber, glass
fibre or carbon fibre (sometimes both) and have a bent snare at the playing end,
a flat exterior on the playing edge and bent exterior on the back side. While
present area hockey appeared in the mid 18th 100 years in England, mainly

Posted 24 Jun 2016

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