Happy days......^_^

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 Eachyear,  AndMuslims all over the world to the health and happiness Eid-Al-Fitris one of the major holidays of Islam. It comes at the end of the holy month of
Ramadan and celebrates the end of the fasting. The holiday comes on the first
day of the 10th month in the Islamic lunar calendar. Becausethe month of Ramadan is all about fasting, Eid-Al-Fitr is all about NOT
fasting. During Ramadan, Muslims have not eaten while the Sun is in the sky. On
Eid-Al-Fitr, they celebrate the end of Ramadan with a sweet snack and then get
ready for a day of celebration. Onthis day, Muslims are encouraged to dress in their best clothes and attend a
special Eid prayer at their neighborhood mosque. Before the prayer begins,
Muslims make an alms payment (the Zakat al Fitr) Corner of the five pillars of
IslamSuchas prayer and fastingTakemoney from the rich and the poor are givenTherebyachieving social solidarity in Islam forthe month of Ramadan, in the form of food or its cash equivalent. This food and
/ or money is then distributed to the poor. After the special religious
service, the focus turns to gift-giving. Children are given many gifts. Women
get gifts from their loved ones. Also on this day, people are encouraged to
settle feuds or disputes, especially those between family members. EidAl-Fitr means "Feast of Fast-Breaking." It is often celebrated during
three days, with the first day marking the end of Ramadan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Uzc_G542E  NATIVEDEEN -- Small Deeds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsajQjLxut4   eid alfitr--DR Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w_ztz2yGe0   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx7uj-yFpC0 Eid iscelebration. Fitr comes from the word fitrah, meaning natural. Yes,Ramadhan will end shortly, at 6.15 am and we muslims will celebrate EidulFitri.
But using the word 'celebration' gives a wrong idea to non-muslims. It's not
partying. We are celebrating with praises of God. And we can eat as usual once
more, coming back to the natural way of things. Hence, the name Fitrah. Enjoyyour holidays people  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oArYE4PaXX8&playnext=1&list=PL0B60706D0B772AC5&feature=results_video  Theoccasion is Eid ul-Fitr which means 'festivity of breaking the fast'...     It is the celebration after the fast of the month of Ramadan... Ramadanis the month of the Quranic revelation, Muslims use this month to reconnect to
the Quran and build a stronger relationship with Allah. This is achieved by
fasting from food and s-exual activities with one's spouse during the daylight
hours, refraining from foul and shameless language and actions, increased acts
of charity to the less fortunate, reciting the word of God Etc...     We learn self restraint against our permitted human desires andhopefully would build stronger restraint against desires that are not
permissible.     Basically making a stronger effort to be the best you can be and comeout a better human being at the end... It is like a training course for the
muslim... At the end of the course, we get our certificate and a feast... We
repeat the training course once every year.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS1cm2Nlbtc&feature=player_embedded DuringEid celebration for MuslimsDiffersfrom non-Muslim celebration Notadultery - not drinking alcohol - not for committing sinsBut Firstthanks to God through the Eid prayerThenWearthe best clothes Visitneighbors and friends and uphold the ties of kinshipExchanginggiftsAndenjoy the beautiful in public placesAndenjoy the happy days Enjoylifeallahguide you to Islam#!Jazakal-lahakhir Andalso if one goes to a congregational place then there is no other{sunnah}
prayer before the two Rakaats of Eid prayer meaning one just sits down the
congregational place and continues with the Takbeer without performing any form
of sunnah prayer{Qabliyah}.But if one prays in a Mosque then one is recommended
to greet the mosque with two greeting-of-the-mosque Rakaats.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS1cm2Nlbtc   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqzJ-CX1AcY  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmQhIdwMSmo    here
Posted 05 Jul 2016

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