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Free Articles Online » How to Increase Your Fat and Sugar Burning to Aid Weight Loss How to Increase Your Fat and Sugar Burning to Aid Weight Loss Published:
21.06.2008 | Author: Aquila | Category: Weight Loss
In order to carry through a successful weight reduction process new balance 996 nz , your over-weight must be attacked from several angles at the same time. Among other measures, you also have to increase your burning of
fat and sugar. This burning is also of two kinds. The body are steadily burning
fat and sugar and thereby producing heat, and it burns these nutrients to get
energy for the daily activities you perform. The aim in a slimming process is to
increase both these burning processes. In the terminology often used about
slimming, this is often called “increasing your energy levels”.


The burning of fat and sugar is composed of many chemical steps. Fat is first broken apart yielding free fatty acids. The fatty acids are then broken further
down to pieces called acetyl. The sugar is also broken down to acetyl in a
process called glycolysis, and the energy thus released is used to produce an
energy-rich compound called ATP. The acetyl formed from the braking down of fat
and sugar is then further combined with oxygen yielding carbon dioxide and
water, and even more ATP is produced. The ATP produced is then used to release
heat and to give energy for the bodily work.


The process of braking down and burning fat and sugar uses vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids as working tools. Therefore your diet has to contain
all these nutrients in the needed amount. Including vegetables or fruit in a
natural form in every meal will help you get these nutrients.

Even though your generally shall reduce your fat consume, some types of food containing essential fatty acids should be a part of your daily diet, for
example nuts new balance 580 womens sale , almonds, sunflower seeds, olives, olive oil and fat fish.

Extra supplements of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and lecithin can also be of help.


You should do some physical exercise at least every second day. Condition training like running, swimming, cycling or ball play consumes energy and
thereby helps burn fat and sugar. The burning process even continues some hours
after the training session.

Weight lifting or other muscle building activities are also of value. They help convert fat in your body to muscle mass and muscles are always burning some
sugar and fat, even when they are not active.


Amphetamine and related substances stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and thereby give impulses to increased external activity that
consumes fat and sugar. These compounds also increase the metabolic activities
that produce heat by consume of fat and sugar. These compounds can also reduce
the appetite. All these effects can together help to reduce an excessive weight.

However new balance 580 elite edition womens , these compounds also may give many unpleasant or dangerous effects, like addiction, insomnia, agitation, manic
reactions, hypertension, stroke, heart valve damage and heart rhythm
disturbances. Therefore amphetamine itself and many related compounds are by now
banned in most societies as a means to reduce weight. Amphetamine was early
banned and classified as an illegal narcotic. By now also these compounds has
been banned after having been on the market for some time: aminorex,
fenfluramine new balance 580 nz sale , phenylpropanolamine and ephedrine.

Substances of this group available on the market today as weight reduction aids are: Phentermine, diethylpropion, phenidmetrazine, benzphetamine,
sibutramine, rimonabant, oxyntomodulin and fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac).


Caffeine and similar compounds also increase the mental alertness, the feeling of energy and the impulses to external action, and thereby they also
increase the burning of fat and sugar. They also increase the fat and sugar
burning by accelerating the basic heat production metabolism.

A simple way of taking caffeine or the related compound teofylline is drinking a few cups of coffee or tea each day. A cup of coffee in the morning
can and another cup in the afternoon can often give you the impulse you need to
do an effective daily exercise session.

The tropical plants Yerba Mate and Guarana contain caffeine variants with a much greater effect on the fat and sugar burning than ordinary caffeine. On the
market you can find sport drinks and slimming aids containing extracts of these


The hormones produced by the thyroid gland increase the basic metabolism and the burning of fat and sugar. A sluggish production of thyroid hormones can
therefore contribute to developing over-weight.

Vitamins and minerals that the thyroid gland use as tools to produce its hormones can help to effectivize the thyroid hormone production new balance 580 nz , for example vitamin B1, vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc. Compounds being raw material for this production
can also help the thyroid gland to effectivize its hormone production, for
example L-thyrosine and iodine. These compounds are found in many supplements to
aid slimming.


Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. —-FOR natural supplements to help slimming and against other health problems:
Heart problems, acne and skin ailments, hypothyroidism new balance 574 kids nz , depression, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, allergy, etc

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