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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Ok I don't know how legit this is ... but its definitely one for the girls
re: Hijaab and Salaat.

Take heed girlies!

In The Name Of Allah The most Gracious The Most Merciful

A Young Lady Whose Flesh Peels Off Her Body at Home.

The following is reported by a lady who washes and prepares (woman) dead bodies for burial. "One day a family called me and asked me to participate in washing a dead woman related to them. I went and entered the room in which the body was laid. The family members locked the door from outside. I was kept alone with the dead body in the room. I started reciting verses of the Quran and sought refuge while supplicating (saying 'duaas') until my body calmed down. Then I asked Allah to help me and I started to wash the
dead body.   Everything needed was provided. As I opened to look at the body
of the woman, it was so dark like a piece of charcoal. I started getting worried; however I struggled to complete the wash expecting rewards from Allah. While I started washing the body, to my surprise, her flesh was peeling off her body like pieces of cotton. I quickly finished the wash and prepared the dead body without realizing how I completed the task. Then I knocked the door for the family to let me out, they did not believe that I had finished. I confessed that I had completed the wash. Then they opened the door and I quickly ran away and went back home. I spent three sleepless
nights and kept on weeping.   Thereafter I called one of the scholars and
explained to him what I saw. He told me as far as darkening of the face is concerned, that indicates that she used not to pray (the 5 daily prayers). Regarding peeling off of her flesh, that indicates she never covered her body and did not wear 'hijab' (scarf).

After the funeral days were over, I went to the woman's family so that I confirm what I heard. I initially asked them why did you lock me in? They said before you, three ladies came in and all refused to wash her after having seen her (dark) face. We did not have a choice except to lock you in so that you wash her. Then I asked how her life was, they said she used not to pray and used not to wear hijab (scalf)."

(Oh ALLAAH protect Muslim's daughters and women)

Please distribute this information so that the benefit is shared with all.

Oh ALLAAH the Most Bountiful, end our life in the best manner....Aamiin.

Posted 07 Nov 2003

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