Do u think that lollywood should make a anti indian movie everytime they make anti pakistan movies or against muslims? I think they should do!!! Just coz bollywood is bigger doesnt mean it can get away with the hatred towards us. They think that we are weak and put us down but we are not!! I know this causes wars but and arguments but its bollywood that trying to act tough we should respond back better like in tere pyaar main and now larki punjaban. The reason why tere pyaar mein was a hit coz it was hatred against hindus and indians I remember I watched it when I went to lohare The part where shaan blows up the indian flag by a big rocket launcher as he aheads in the pakistani border everyone in the cinema got up and started to whistle and clap and cheer I quiet enjoyed that my self too!! My point of veiw is that there will never be peace with the two countries even though they will try so bollywood in ya face!
paki lion
Age: 125
8048 days old here
Total Posts: 1162
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Hoppo said:
Do u think that lollywood should make a anti indian movie everytime they make anti pakistan movies or against muslims? I think they should do!!! Just coz bollywood is bigger doesnt mean it can get away with the hatred towards us. They think that we are weak and put us down but we are not!! I know this causes wars but and arguments but its bollywood that trying to act tough we should respond back better like in tere pyaar main and now larki punjaban. The reason why tere pyaar mein was a hit coz it was hatred against hindus and indians I remember I watched it when I went to lohare The part where shaan blows up the indian flag by a big rocket launcher as he aheads in the pakistani border everyone in the cinema got up and started to whistle and clap and cheer I quiet enjoyed that my self too!! My point of veiw is that there will never be peace with the two countries even though they will try so bollywood in ya face!
u are right! india will keeps making anti pakistani moviez!
Age: 125
7856 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
hoppo ur 110% rite we shud make anti india movies cuz if they dont want frndship then why we r dying to make frndship well watch out for COMMANDO it is anti india movie
Age: 125
7984 days old here
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Canada, Canada
peeps....let them stupid bollywood assclowns make their anti-pakistan movies. our directors r better than that. they put their efforts/expertise into trying 2 make a good movie. not promote an age old rivalry. talk abt spewing the same sh*t over and over and over again. toba! they're so retarded. pakistani's r better than that. y should we stoop 2 their level? by not making an anti-india movie we show the world at lagre what we've known for 57+ years now....PAKISTAN IS THE PEACE-INITIATOR....WE STAND 4 PEACE, unlike our neighbours which are INSTIGATORS of war, and use their film industry 2 promote hatred 2wards pakistan.
Age: 125
8325 days old here
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NFAKFan said:
peeps....let them stupid bollywood assclowns make their anti-pakistan movies. our directors r better than that. they put their efforts/expertise into trying 2 make a good movie. not promote an age old rivalry. talk abt spewing the same sh*t over and over and over again. toba! they're so retarded. pakistani's r better than that. y should we stoop 2 their level? by not making an anti-india movie we show the world at lagre what we've known for 57+ years now....PAKISTAN IS THE PEACE-INITIATOR....WE STAND 4 PEACE, unlike our neighbours which are INSTIGATORS of war, and use their film industry 2 promote hatred 2wards pakistan.
...yuppp humara kiya jata hai!....let them make whatever they want!!....
Age: 125
7984 days old here
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Canada, Canada
paki lion said:
NFAKFan said:
making movies or not making movies doesn't make a country weak.
we pakiz know that..but indians dont!
can't argue with that. they can't seem 2 understand, that these movies are so 1990's. its a shame an industry as big as theirs resorts 2 anti-pakistan propoganda-type movies even in 2003. from what i heard they (like lollywood) are struggling 4 fresh new ideas. movies like this won't help. its the same junk over and over. thats y i say let them fall flat on their face themselves. we pakistani's are better than that.
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
thanks sanam jee! ek bath ki haad hoti hai (anti-pak movies)! they have not learned their lesson from that last flop 'hero' so let 'em do what they want. humay kiya?!
Age: 125
8325 days old here
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hahah no probz NF....aur haan let them make anti pak movies..cause theyr always a flop.....they'r hurtin their umm...what do u call office or whatever it is ...theyr wasting their money...humara kiya jata hai!...i bet anyone hardly watches movies like that...they r all into like love movies or whatever u know!...
Age: 43
8270 days old here
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Neutral Zone,
NFAKFan said:
paki lion said:
NFAKFan said:
making movies or not making movies doesn't make a country weak.
we pakiz know that..but indians dont!
can't argue with that. they can't seem 2 understand, that these movies are so 1990's. its a shame an industry as big as theirs resorts 2 anti-pakistan propoganda-type movies even in 2003. from what i heard they (like lollywood) are struggling 4 fresh new ideas. movies like this won't help. its the same junk over and over. thats y i say let them fall flat on their face themselves. we pakistani's are better than that.
paki lion
Age: 125
8048 days old here
Total Posts: 1162
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Netherlands, Netherlands
NFAKFan said:
thanks sanam jee! ek bath ki haad hoti hai (anti-pak movies)! they have not learned their lesson from that last flop 'hero' so let 'em do what they want. humay kiya?!
how do u know that for sure??have u any proof indians dont like anti-pakistani moviez???
Age: 125
7984 days old here
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Canada, Canada
paki lion said:
how do u know that for sure??have u any proof indians dont like anti-pakistani moviez???
do YOU have any proof all pakistani's want an anti-india movie???
i'm saying its 2003. these days more indians and pakistani's want peace, compared 2 the 1990's when everyone wanted each others head. ofcourse you still have people who hate the opposite side, but overall, the situation is much better 2day than it was a while ago. that being said, its safe 2 say people don't want anti-ANY COUNTRY movies. an example is 'hero.' it was NOWHERE NEAR as popular as gaddar, and past propoganda movies. there's your proof (of most indians not wanting anti-pak movies). times have changed. i'd like 2 think theres only a select few who are stuck in the past, and the bollywood directors who continue 2 make anti-pakistan movies are in this small group. the rest of us (especially pakistanis) are movin' on up!
Age: 125
8320 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Well well I dont know what else to say. Well india made that film called taliban which was racist against muslims and the film was banned . I have heard that russia and india are helping each other. Well two kaffars? Cant u lot see they both hate muslims as russia kills afghanistanis on the borders all this thing with terrorist so watch out pakistan there could be a meaning.
Age: 125
7778 days old here
Total Posts: 6
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paki lion said:
but if we keeps our mouth shut perhaps indians might think that we are i would say lets start making anti india moviez!
hey... they know very da f**kin weak we are....have u guyz seen...teray pyar main...its a damn f**kin anti indian movie..... it was super hitt in pak..... n if u guyz have seen gadar....its a kiddy copy of teray pyar main...the main story line is same....they have just changed the dated and locations...and some of scenes...who agrees c ya...........
Age: 125
7984 days old here
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Canada, Canada
TeenTracker said:
instead of keepng our mouth shut or open it with slangs we should boycott indian movies thenit will make some change
been there done that! left bollywood movies when they copied nusrat's ALLAH HU' as 'I LOVE U.' thats when i drew the line and left bollywood like the bad habbit it was. I have not seen ANY indian movie since. LOLLYWOOD ROCKS!