slik chik

Age: 125
Total Posts: 2359
Points: 0
, frnd has a major problem and i was wondering if anybody can suggest anything, cuz i duno wat to say to her!
she really loves this guy wid all her heart n soul, and the guy is really very interested in her aswell, but only physically!
he sez he doesnt believe in marriage and he doesnt wana be tied down to juss one gurl!
shes really does wana marry him like hell, but he sez, that u dont have to keep in touch with me, and he is a very nice guy n all, and very honest and frank and to the point, he sed, i really care for u as ive known u for such a long time, and i dont want to lead u on r anything, its beteer we dont keep in touch, and hopefully ul forget about me with time!
she really respects him for being honest and not lying and all, and not cheating on her later on!
but they havent been n contact for about 2 yrs now, and she seems to love him more everyday!she only ever talks about him and everything seems to remind her of him! i dont think she can ever forget him, since her love is totally pure and true!
im sick n tired of thinkin of wat to do to make them get back together and make him realise how much she loves him, and make him realise that he cant escape reality for too long!
any suggestions?