
Age: 125
7782 days old here
Total Posts: 209
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
lol so how does it get connected to this topic?.enlightenment is been given by a living god on earth , by 2012 we will have a new world .all of us will be enligthed & will be free ffrom all sufferings and pain , no more hatred no more ego no more wars fights nothing.......just complete peace and enlightenment is the only way, ,by the lord kalki bhgavan , the 10th avathara of maha vishnu,whose at present in karnataka state ,has set up a mission of enlighting 60,000 people.then by one single touch by each other the process is goin to go on and on ,and the full world is gonna be enlightend., we all think we r fine , we r happy . we r not ,full of sufferings r there wit us.thas either financal, relationship, or other problems which we cant overcome ,its finally here ,
iam not talkin bout religion or anytin against any thing , just wanted to inform thas all.
more details who r intrested can visit