
Age: 125
Total Posts: 5317
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
syed noor's most awaited movie after lp is released today well according to the expectations movie is oppened to packed houses here in karachi there is nt any ticket available for the first show but lickily i ve got one in black now comming to the movie.Movie revolves around two commandos mommi and shan and their mission is to hand over one phillipine prisoner to the phillipine government but at the air port the guy i mean the prisoner able to escape now shan and mommi have only two options let one is to go back to pakistan and the other is to catch that prisoner and hand over it tu the government thats the main story line line now first lets consider the pluses well sound recording,camera work is deserved full marks the action and stunts are executed brilliantly in some action scenes u started wondering that is it a pak movie or a hollywood one syed noor s direction is superb he knows how to handle the subjects most of the times the crowd gone crazy when ever there were a patriotic scene aur any patriotic dialogue and they did clap a lot but movie belongs to shaan wihtout any doubt his look his performance his stunts simply brilliant, moamar did very fine job so as galz i mean meera saima and zara cuz there is not much scope for them music is catchy and songs r picturized very well all in all a very good action movie after seeing the opening day response the movie shud be the big hit.

Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
wicked! LP's doing great, and now commando is picking up steam as well (in pk).
great 4 sayed noor, great 4 lollywood, and especially great 4 shaan and saima who always seem 2 take unnecessary heat 4 the industry's problems. this movie's (early) success (based on what charizmatic has said) shows the two still have what it takes, in my opinion....

Age: 125
7941 days old here
Total Posts: 2890
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
yeah,it's good for pakistani movies one is in pakistan and one in uk...
I also listened lp is releasing 26 dec in pakistan,but my opinion,dts cinimas are not avalable for these days.