box office figures 4 larki punjaban

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anotha lp topic
Posted 28 Nov 2003

hey ...y da hell there is "bollywood" in front of larkipunjaban box office report...
it's a lollywood movie....
     c   ya.......
Posted 28 Nov 2003

exactly! lets get the facts right here.....LP's a LOLLYWOOD movie damnit!
Posted 28 Nov 2003

NFAKFan said:

exactly! lets get the facts right here.....LP's a LOLLYWOOD movie damnit!

do something abt dat yaar...dey'r stealin our credit...
   c ya......
Posted 28 Nov 2003

shaby says
that is very bad you know bollywood flop films make more then that.

and thats the reason the film has been pulled off the theathers. ITS A FLOP.

hope it will do good in pakistan.
Posted 28 Nov 2003

shaby says
£4,243 from 16 cinemas is a totals diesaster.

bollywood flop films collect more then that in its 5th weekend.

this is shocking news man i thought this film was doing well.

ohh well we were all wrong. lollywood is a flop show right now.
Posted 28 Nov 2003

no man,go to site larkipunjabab where everybody happy and appreciate the movie 'lp'..
Posted 29 Nov 2003

these figures are not accurate.....

if they don't even properly state which part of the 'woods' the movie is from (bollywood or lollywood) the actual numbers might be screwed as well.

and besides....i agree with ydakh. the comments made so far by people who have SEEN the film, say its great.
Posted 29 Nov 2003

MrDeath says
arre yaar nfak did ya saw da flim???
Posted 29 Nov 2003

yeah...exactly...well said NFAKfan..
n see wot a Bollywood movie has achieved so far....

Taj Mahal: An Eternal Love Story IND £534 Eros 1 4 £534
Taj mahal waz released in 4 cinemas and made 534 Eros..multiply the number of cinemans and money wid just makes 2132 Eros in 16 cinemas...but critics says dis movie iz a hit...
so if a movie making 2132 in 16 cinemas in 1 week is a hitt...then how come a movie making more than 4,000 in the same number of dayz and cinemas is a disaster....
    c ya..........
Posted 29 Nov 2003

yaar....i want u guyz to notice something abt dis...

samajh aaee...ya nahin...
chalo main batata come there is an Indian Name of the top of the movie this movie owned by some indian...
Posted 29 Nov 2003

whkhan1 says
LP has not been a disaster in uk.
everybody who watched the movie said it was superb.
most foreighn films are only shown for 7 days in UK.
don't forget first 3 days were ramdan, some people waited to watch it latter.
there are small number of pakistanis in uk compared to say indians.
pakistanis (ones born without a brain) watch indian films, indians don't watch pakistani films.

Posted 29 Nov 2003

shaby says
the film has been taken of from every were in the uk and is only left in about 4 cinemas.

the reason for this was it was a diesaster. the southall cinema told me is well.

the reason for the diesaster is the promotion, there was not a single sign of it.

and let me just tell you something.

kal ho na ho opened n the uk and it is collecting 5000 pounds per show and larki punjaban only too 4000 throught the whole week also bollywood biggies open to 500,000 pounds in there first weekend and larki punjaban was nothing compared to it.

and another thing was ary are some dumb sh*ts, when the film got off the cinmas and they were not showing it any were in uk then they startring advertising it. now thye are real dumb sh*ts. they did that with ydakh is well. but they started advertising it on the same day as ydakh released.

ary are idiots.

overall we are very behind.

does any one know the box office figures for ydakh in the uk.
Posted 29 Nov 2003

shaby says
but yes the film is superb and every liked it


no one went to watch it.
Posted 29 Nov 2003

shaby says
if you want a bumper responce to your film he should have been promoting his film like jawed shiek did.

or he should have made a premier and invited all guets to see the film and he should have advertised it on sony,b4u,zee tv, ary, ptv etc.

Posted 29 Nov 2003

whkhan1 says
I agree with you 100% the film wasn't promoted well in UK.
I only knew about it through internet use.
I recently travelled to west midlands (dudley Wolverhamton ect) where there are large number of pakistanis, I didn't see a single poster of LP ,yet indian film posters are everywhere.
I hope paragon pictures will learn from this experience and improve on their future projects promotion.
I still don't understand why you have waited 7 days before attempting to watch LP.
please can you tell me which four cinemas are still showing LP.
Posted 29 Nov 2003

shaby says
i waited 7 days cos i was very busy and had a personal problem.

also the movie is being shown in east london, bradford,leeds and manchester.

Posted 29 Nov 2003

yea...advertisment does matter....kal ho na ho is an average movie...indian sites are statin this themselves....only reason for its early success is it's long term advertisment...they start advertising the movie when they stary makin it...while pakistani wait for the times when it comes to cinemas...but it's not a disaster at all...who told ya dat...
and can u tell us abt ydakh box office report in UK...and how long it stayed in UK cenimas???
   c ya......
Posted 29 Nov 2003

shaby says
yes you are right it is not a diesaster it is a super diesater.

collected 4000 is very embaressing.
Posted 29 Nov 2003

shaby said:

yes you are right it is not a diesaster it is a super diesater.

collected 4000 is very embaressing.

lolzzzz...good joke....well..i understand y r u so upset...u couldn't get the chance to see da movie..neva mind freind....there are loads of other Pakistani movies coming in UK soon......u better wait for 'em...stay koooool
   c ya........
Posted 29 Nov 2003

shaby says
PartTimeLuver said:

shaby said:

yes you are right it is not a diesaster it is a super diesater.

collected 4000 is very embaressing.

lolzzzz...good joke....well..i understand y r u so upset...u couldn't get the chance to see da movie..neva mind freind....there are loads of other Pakistani movies coming in UK soon......u better wait for 'em...stay koooool
   c ya........

they will probly be bigger diesasters
Posted 29 Nov 2003

shaby said:

PartTimeLuver said:

shaby said:

yes you are right it is not a diesaster it is a super diesater.

collected 4000 is very embaressing.

lolzzzz...good joke....well..i understand y r u so upset...u couldn't get the chance to see da movie..neva mind freind....there are loads of other Pakistani movies coming in UK soon......u better wait for 'em...stay koooool
   c ya........

they will probly be bigger diesasters

yea...of course..if pple like u wait for long to watch 'em..they sure gonna be big disasters...
   c ya....
Posted 30 Nov 2003

shabby first of all i want to say that plzzz dont compare lp with kal ho na hoo ok u know srk charged more than 1 carore for the movie and the over all cost of kal hoo na hoo is more than 25 carores and ur comparing lp wid it what nonsense yaaar but i agree on one point that they shud promote movie on satellite channels any how considering the over all cost of the movie and also considering the fact that lp is still to be released in pak i think paragon ent will recover their cost quite easily and wid some profit as well i can bet on it
Posted 30 Nov 2003

yeah,right charizmatic all pakistani people happy to see the movie in all cinimas..they appreciated movie well and proud of lp..I watched a tv program vectone tv channal based on uk..M.Afzal and Distributor sitting and every call of channal is positive and pakistani viewers demand more and more paki movie in uk,that's a big change of uk market..look at the site of guest book..
Posted 30 Nov 2003

whkhan1 says
yes guyes
there is so much demand in UK the film is being released nationwide again on 12th dec !!!
I am sure it will recover it's total cost just in UK.
personly I can't wait to see it again !!!
Posted 01 Dec 2003 it does it again...
hey..did u saw the movie did u like dat..
Posted 01 Dec 2003 it does it again...
hey wkhan..did u saw the movie did u like dat..
Posted 01 Dec 2003

whkhan1 says
Yes guys I watched LP with my family !!!
everyone loved it !!!!
Great story,great picture, great music , superb sound.
It's a must watch, don't miss it !
Posted 02 Dec 2003

good whkhan1 about lp,till I have listened no negative comments about lp,so it's mean this movie can also a big hit like YDAKH,we r waiting here in pakistan anxiously.
Posted 02 Dec 2003

shaby says
so know one knows the gross for ydakh
Posted 02 Dec 2003

i know abt Pakistan made more dan 12 carores (earning 6 carors as profit as 6 caror were spent on da makin of da movie)...wot abt UK..let us know....
Posted 02 Dec 2003

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