who says he killed Steenkamp

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VANCOUVER -- There is no easy fix for the problems faced by the Vancouver Canucks, says the man who took a foundering franchise and came close to winning
a Stanley Cup.
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. Pat Quinn, the former defenceman who moved behind
the Canucks bench and into the general managers office, believes new team
president Trevor Linden -- a player Quinn drafted and coached -- has the
potential to return Vancouver to the NHL elite. "There is no magic luxor," Quinn
said Sunday after being inducted into the Canucks ring of honour at Rogers
Arena. "You have to fix it. You have to have luck, you have to have cap room. "A
lot of things come into play." A promising season turned bad for the Canucks,
who will miss the playoffs for the first time since 2008. Watching the team this
year Quinn noticed a slip in the talent level. "Its cyclical," Quinn said. "The
hard part is when your good players skills start to diminish a little bit, then
youve got to find replacements for that top level player." A 30-team NHL reduces
that talent pool. "We dont have enough top players," Quinn said. Fans will need
to be patient. "Thats where the first step comes in, the assessment that needs
to be done," said Quinn. "I think thats the stage where Trev is. "Ive read he
has a plan. When you have a plan you dont go around telling everybody." Linden
was named president last week after Mike Gillis was fired as Vancouvers
president and general manager. Quinn shrugged when asked if he will play a role
in the Canucks rebuild. There has been speculation Linden may ask Quinn to
return to the organization in some sort of advisory capacity. "Its a different
day today," said the 71-year-old Hamilton native. "Whatever happens, happens.
"Trevor is a terrific kid, there is no question. Im not really thinking about
that sort of thing. He has lots on his plate." Quinn was joined by members of
his family at centre ice prior to the game against the Calgary Flames for the
induction ceremony. Other members of the ring of honour include Thomas Gradin,
Kirk McLean and Harold Snepsts. The crowd gave Quinn a standing ovation. "It was
inexplicable," Quinn said. "You cant express the emotions you feel. "You are
mindful of the people who touched you along the way, how important they were to
me." Quinn was Vancouvers president and general manager from 1987 to 1997. He
coached the team from 1991-94 and then again late in the 1995-96 season. There
are some parallels between what Quinn, 71, faced back in 1987 and the task
Linden now faces. Quinn took over a wheezing, money-losing franchise and helped
turned it into a high-scoring team that came within one game of winning the 1994
Stanley Cup final. "When you are first starting you know one thing," said Quinn.
"I always wanted to be a team player. "No one person wins a hockey game, no one
person builds a franchise. I got pretty lucky in putting this team together." In
280 games as a coach, Quinn had a record of 141 wins, 111 loses and 28 ties.
With him behind the bench the Canucks won two division titles, five playoff
rounds and he was voted coach of the year in 1991-92. As a general manager Quinn
helped build the Canucks by drafting players like Linden and Pavel Bure. Quinn
also traded for players like McLean, Cliff Ronning, Dave Babych, Jyrki Lumme,
Greg Adams, Geoff Courtnall and Markus Naslund. It was through Quinn people like
Brian Burke, Dave Nonis, Steve Tambellini and George McPhee received their first
NHL jobs. Quinn played his junior hockey with the Edmonton Oil Kings, winning a
Memorial Cup in 1963. He spent nine years as a player, playing defence for
Vancouver, Toronto and Atlanta. He coached the Philadelphia Flyers, Los Angeles
Kings, Canucks, Toronto Maple Leafs and Edmonton Oilers. On the international
stage, Quinn coached Team Canada to gold medals at the 2002 Winter Olympics and
2009 world junior championships. Quinn said the Canucks may have struggled this
year but he sees hope for the future. "When I came here in the 1970s it was hard
to find a Canuck fan," he said. "Now we are all Canuck fans. "Thanks for how you
treated me."
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. Its other five picks were all six foot or
better, with three at 6-1 or above. Third-round pick Brett Lernout stands six
foot four and weighs 206 pounds.
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. The Montreal Alouettes announced
Tuesday that they have acquired the return specialist from Calgary, as well as
the Stampeders fifth-round draft pick in the 2014 CFL Canadian Draft.
. On Saturday night, Winnipegs strong offense was again accompanied by some
fantastic pitching which gave the Fish a commanding victory. JOHANNESBURG, South
Africa -- Oscar Pistorius was in an altercation at an upmarket nightclub over
the weekend, his family said Tuesday. Pistorius went with a cousin to a trendy
Johannesburg nightclub on Saturday, where he was accosted by a man who
aggressively questioned him about his murder trial, his family confirmed. The
man gave a different version, saying the double-amputee runner was drunk,
insulted his friends and the family of President Jacob Zuma and poked him in the
chest, according to Johannesburgs Star newspaper. Regardless of who started the
argument, the weekend episode focuses fresh attention on the disputed character
of Pistorius, a globally recognized athlete who is on trial for murder after he
fatally shot girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp through a closed toilet door on Feb. 14,
2013. Defence lawyers describe Pistorius, currently free on bail, as a
vulnerable figure with a disability who pulled the trigger in a tragic case of
mistaken identity, but prosecutors portray him as a gun-obsessed hothead who
shot Steenkamp after the couple quarreled. The trial is on a break ahead of
closing arguments on Aug. 7-8, sparing Pistorius the near-daily trip to the
Pretoria courthouse, where he has sometimes wept and wailed in apparent distress
during testimony. The nightclub argument has put him back on the front pages of
South Africas press, which has also highlighted a number of quotations about
suffering and religious faith that appeared on his Twitter account in the hours
that followed. The altercation in the nightspot cannot be a factor in Pistorius
trial, said a legal analyst who has closely followed proceedings. "It would not
be appropriate to mention it in closing arguments as it would constitute hearsay
as no previous witness has entered evidence of it on the trial record," Kelly
Phelps, a senior lecturer in the public law department at the University of Cape
Town, wrote in an email to The Associated Press. "If it had occurred earlier in
proceedings the gentleman concerned could have been called as a witness or Mr.
Pistorius could have been questioned on the reports. Even then it would have
very little value. The most important thing the court needs to determine is what
Pistorius was thinking and how he was acting on the night in question," wrote
Phelps, referring to the night on which Pistorius killed Steenkamp. Pistorius
had been barred from consuming alcohol under early bail conditions, but the ban
was rescinded after the defence appealed. He was seated in a quiet booth in the
VIP section of the nightclub before he was approached, said Anneliese Burgess, a
spokeswoman for the Pistorius family. "The individual, according to my client,
started to aggressively interrogate him on matters relating to the trial. An
argument ensued during which my client asked to be left alone," she said in a
statement. "Osccar soon thereafter left the club with his cousin.
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. My client regrets the decision to go to a public space
and thereby inviting unwelcome attention." The man who argued with Pistorius is
Jared Mortimer, according to Johannesburgs Star newspaper and The Juice, a South
African celebrity news website, which quoted Mortimer as saying the Paralympic
athlete started the confrontation. Pistorius said Mortimers friends had betrayed
him in the murder trial, The Star quoted Mortimer as saying in an apparent
reference to evidence presented in court. The athlete also said he had
information that could get those friends into trouble, but he would not use it,
according to Mortimer. "He was drunk, but not bad. We were drinking tequila and
I still remember putting down my drink and thinking I couldnt drink it while my
friends were being spoken of like that," The Star quoted Mortimer as saying.
Pistorius also insulted the family of the South African president, Jacob Zuma,
upsetting Mortimer, who is a friend of a member of Zumas family, according to
the newspaper. "He was poking me and saying that I would never get the better of
him," the newspaper quoted Mortimer as saying. "He was close to my face and at
that point I pushed him to get him away from me. A chair was behind his legs and
he fell to the ground." The altercation happened Saturday night in Sandton, an
upscale area in Johannesburg, according to South African media. A woman who
answered the telephone at The VIP Room, the club where the incident occurred,
said club owner Chris Coutroulis was "overseas" and was awaiting reports from
club staff who witnessed the altercation. The club website says it caters to the
"nouveau riche" and invites guests to "slip on your diamante dancing shoes or
designer suit and dance the night away at the most ostentatious venue in
Joburg." On Monday, several quotations appeared on Pistorius Twitter account.
They included the biblical verse "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted," as
well as a prayer, "Lord, today I ask that you bathe those who live in pain in
the river of your healing. Amen." Another tweet shows photos of Pistorius with
disabled and other children and a caption about "the ability to make a
difference in someones life." Burgess, the Pistorius family spokeswoman, said
she was not immediately able to confirm the authenticity of the tweets. He last
tweeted on Feb. 14, the first anniversary of Steenkamps death. Pistorius, who
says he killed Steenkamp after thinking an intruder was about to attack him,
faces 25 years to life in prison if found guilty of premeditated murder. He
could also be sentenced to a shorter prison term if convicted of murder without
premeditation or negligent killing. Additionally, he faces separate gun-related
charges. NFL Jerseys China
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Posted 15 Apr 2018

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